1. Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks. Write a brief description of more than one method. Use your own words and supply references. 2. You are the web master of a college website. You share a server with other school departments such as accounting and HR. Create at least five security-related rules for staff members who are adding web pages being added to your site. Include a justification and explanation for each rule. Rules should relate to college, staff and student, and system information security.

1. Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks.
Write a brief description of more than one method.
Use your own words and supply references.
2. You are the web master of a college website. You share a server with other school departments such as accounting and HR.
Create at least five security-related rules for staff members who are adding web pages being added to your site. Include a justification and explanation for each rule. Rules should relate to college, staff and student, and system information security.

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