Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. Project Topic – Intellectual disabled patients and autonomy in issues of decision making on their healthcare
·  My Position/Argument – Intellectual disabled patients should not be given total autonomy in decision making on their health care matters.
·  Counter-argument – The strongest ethical positional an opponent would take against my position is that autonomy is central ethical value in western medicine.
1.  Introduction:
Sample thesis statement
2.  Ethical issue – main portion of project:
–  Present information that support your thesis with source
–  Present opposing viewpoint —– with potential source
3.  Conclusion
4.  References:sw
Varelius J. (2006). The value of autonomy in medical ethics. Medicine, health care and philosophy, 9930, 377-388.
Moore. K.L. (2020). Disabled autonomy. Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, 22,245-279.

Article writing homework help

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