Article writing homework help

Article writing homework help. Final Portfolio Assignment for WRIT 1133
Below, I’ve pasted the instructions for your Final Portfolio for our WRIT 1133 class. This is an assignment created by the DU Writing Program, and every student in every section of WRIT 1133 will complete a similar Final Portfolio. It will serve as the final exam for our course, and it is worth 10% of your final grade for the class.
Before you read the description of the assignment, I wanted to give you a little context on what you’re being asked to do.
You will be glad to hear that you have already completed the majority of the work you are being asked to submit for this Final Portfolio. The DU Writing Program is asking you to use this Final Portfolio to show that the work you’ve created for our class demonstrates you have met the WRIT 1133 course goals.
In the Final Portfolio they want four things:
• Three major papers you have written for class (i.e. work you’ve already completed).
• An approximately three page “reflective introduction” where you introduce the three major papers you’ve submitted and discuss how they show you have met the WRIT 1133 course goals (this is the only new piece of writing you need to create for this Final Portfolio).
(Note: I will only be grading the “reflective introduction” part of your Final Portfolio. I won’t be re-grading the three papers you have already written, so there’s no need to edit or revise those papers before you include them in this portfolio.)
You will then copy and paste all four of these documents into one “super document”
Now here’s a little secret—just between you and me.
I knew you would be required to complete this assignment before the quarter even started, so I designed our assignments to make sure they would fit the Final Portfolio requirements perfectly! (You can thank me later…)
With that in mind, below I’ve pasted the three WRIT 1133 course goals you are being asked to demonstrate your work has met. And then I’ll give you my advice on which Major Paper assignments from our class you could submit in your Final Portfolio to show you’ve met that goal.
WRIT 1133 Goal 1: “Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of academic research traditions (for example, text-based/interpretive; measurement-based/empirical; and observational/qualitative) through effectively writing in at least two of those traditions.”
My Recommendations: For this goal, they want you to show you have completed work that utilizes two different research traditions. In Major Paper 3—your Research Proposal—you wrote an annotated bibliography where you introduced a few of the most valuable sources you had found on your topic and critiqued the shortcomings of each source by explaining the information you needed on your topic that the source didn’t provide. That is an example of you working in the “text-based/interpretive” research tradition. Likewise, in Major Paper 4—your Policy Brief—you used information you gathered from the sources you found to help you present a persuasive argument on your topic. That is also working in the “text-based/interpretive” research tradition.
In Major Paper 3 you presented your plans for conducting an immediate and a long-term original field research project. The surveys and/or interviews you conducted are an example of you working in the “observational/qualitative” research tradition. And if you presented the results of your surveys or interviews in Major Paper 4 to help you persuade your audience, you were also working in the “observational/qualitative” research tradition.
WRIT 1133 Goal 2: “ Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of rhetorical differences between writing for academic audiences and writing for popular audiences.”
My Recommendation: This is exactly what you were asked to do in Major Paper 1, where you took an article written for an academic audience of professionals in a field and “translated” it into something written in the style of a news story that could be read by a “popular” (or “general”) audience. You’ll just need to talk about the choices you made to help transform that dense, professional article into something more suited for a general audience of non-experts.
Goal 3: “Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of using sources in your writing. This includes finding, evaluating, synthesizing, critiquing, and documenting published sources appropriate to given rhetorical situations.”
My Recommendation: Major Paper 4 required you to design a Policy Brief where you presented a smart, persuasive argument using all the information you had gathered through your research this quarter to introduce and support your recommendations. You also had to document those sources correctly in your works cited list.
So putting all that together, I would suggest you submit Major Papers 1, 3, and 4 for this Final Portfolio. You’ll then write an approximately three page “reflective introduction” where you explain what each assignment asked you to do and how, specifically those assignments show your work fit into the WRIT 1133 course goals.
Now, what follows is the Writing Program’s description of the Final Portfolio Assignment.
2020 WRIT 1133 Quarter-End Portfolio and Reflective Introduction
As mentioned in our syllabus, at the end of the Spring Quarter all WRIT 1133 students are required to compile pieces of their writing and email it to their professor. This serves as an equivalent of a final exam for our class, and constitutes 10% of your final grade.
Below I have provided you with the DU Writing Program’s expectations for this portfolio assignment and instructions for submitting it to Canvas.
What is the rhetorical situation?
Create a portfolio that shows a group of DU writing instructors, including your own professor, how well you have achieved the goals of WRIT 1133. Your readers will find two ingredients most helpful and convincing. (1) They’ll want to read several examples of your writing, and (2) they’ll want to read your analysis and discussion of those examples. Together, these ingredients should show your audience how well you’ve achieved the course’s goals.
What should I include in the portfolio?
Your final portfolio should consist of four pieces of writing. Please include three papers you have already written, one of which may come from a DU course other than WRIT 1133 (for example, from WRIT 1122 or from any other course). You will also include an introductory essay that describes and analyzes those papers. To be most effective, the introductory essay will probably need to be about three pages long.
How should I select the papers for the portfolio?
Choose three papers that together demonstrate your understanding and accomplishment of the following three goals of 1133:
• Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of academic research traditions (for example, text-based/interpretive; measurement-based/empirical; and observational/qualitative) through effectively writing in at least two of those traditions.
• Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of rhetorical differences between writing for academic audiences and writing for popular audiences.
• Demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of using sources in your writing. This includes finding, evaluating, synthesizing, critiquing, and documenting published sources appropriate to given rhetorical situations.
How should I write the introductory essay?
Your introductory essay should:
• Introduce the papers you’ve selected, explaining the assignment and/or rhetorical situation for the work. Remember that most of your readers will be unfamiliar with your class.
• Use those papers as evidence to illustrate the extent to which your writing has met the course goals. Please refer to or quote specific elements from your papers to support your claims.
Because, in effect, you’re making an argument about your writing, your readers will value an ethos characterized by honesty, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness. In addition to discussing the strengths of your work this quarter, you might also discuss limitations of your papers.
How should I submit my portfolio?
Please cut and paste all four of these papers into one file. First should be your Introductory Essay, followed by the other pieces, in the order that makes sense to you. (NOTE: In the rare event that you cannot combine all of your papers into this one file, simply upload them as separate files and include a note explaining that fact.)

Article writing homework help

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