English homework help

Write an essay that addresses the following key elements:

  • Project scope
    • – In your own words, with cited support from scholarly resources, clearly and concisely define the construct of a project Scope Statement.
    • – Explain the use of a common technique to develop a project scope.
    • – Describe the practice for achieving project scope consensus.
  • Project work breakdown structure (WBS)
    • – In your own words, with cited support from scholarly resources, clearly and concisely define the construct of a project work breakdown structure (WBS).
    • – Based on the project elements presented in Problem 11-2 (Kerzner, 2017, p. 404), use a software application of your choosing to create a WBS (down through level 3). Include your WBS as an appendix to your essay.
    • – Describe how your WBS can be used to plan this project scenario.
    • – Paper must be 4-5 pages, double spaced, APA format; use at least 3 scholarly resources from past 5 years
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