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Home English homework help. ENGL2310: Essay 2 Assignment              Due by Saturday, June 13, at 11:59pm Central

The Essay 2 assignment builds on the analytical skills you displayed in Essay 1, asking you to deepen those skills by applying two lenses to the readings. We’re also adding in our Weeks 5 and 6 reading, Heart of Darkness, a work of 20th-century literature. Exploring the intersection of two different themes is an opportunity to narrow your scope even further, giving you a stronger foundation for analysis.
For this assignment, you have the option to submit the essay as a normal Word document or as a digital text called a Sway. This is a chance to get experience with digital writing before the Final Project. (Here’s an example of a Sway that introduces postcolonial theory.) A multimodal approach with Sway opens many creative possibilities, but those should all be in service of enhancing a deep analysis.
Whichever mode of delivery you choose, the essay should have the elements of a scholarly literary analysis: APA or MLA citation style (you can skip the abstract!); a narrow, arguable thesis statement; separate supporting ideas with topic sentences/transitions; and a dynamic conclusion.
In this essay, you are expected to do the following:

  1. Select two of the themes of postcolonial theory that you would like to explore. These will be the lenses through which you look at the literature. You’re more than welcome to stick to the same initial theme you chose for Essay 1 and add in a new one, or you could choose two entirely new themes to apply.
  2. Describe the lenses and explain how/why they represent a promising combination. Why are they worthwhile to discuss in relationship to one another? How do they inform one another? How does the combination limit your approach in helpful, constructive, or opportune ways? Be specific.
  3. Apply that lens to The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Tempest, and Heart of Darkness. This should be the bulk of your writing. How do the themes function within the story? What specific moments in the story are valuable for drawing deeper insights about the intersection between the two themes? Include balanced textual evidence, not simply general statements about the plot elements or characters. Ultimately, the analysis should answer this question: what do these three stories reveal about how these themes combine? What insight(s) can we take from the readings that apply beyond the literature?


Assessment Rubric
Description of theory
(100 pts)
Rationale for selection 10
Application of lens 30
Rhetorical style 20
Organization and structure 10
Mechanics 10
Documentation 10


Additional advice:
Your essay should be a postcolonial analysis, not just a character study or a general discussion of symbols in the literature. The focus on colonial relationships should not be difficult to maintain, especially as we’re tying in 20th-century literature that’s directly tied to actual colonial events. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re having trouble working through ideas or weighing your options.
As you can see in the rubric, a specific length is not part of the grading criteria, but successful essays are generally between 900 and 1,300 words in length, not including the Works Cited or References page. If it’s shorter, your analysis may not be deep enough or include enough specific examples from the text. If it’s longer, you may have included too much plot summary or other padding. Use the rubric as a guide.
The Essay 1 advice (on that assignment sheet) about the balance between summary and analysis applies here, as well as my advice about not over-relying on the ideas of others. Get started early enough to be able to write the essay over a few different sessions so that you’re under less pressure to come up with phenomenal insights in the moment—often, those emerge after you’ve taken a break and given the ideas enough time to marinate. Those breaks are only possible with an early start, though. Take advantage of the available resources, including the Online Writing Center.
Essay 2 Assessment Rubric

Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Deficient
Description of
A concise yet comprehensive
description of the theoretical lens provides the foundation for the critical analysis
10          9
A description of the theoretical
lens provides the foundation for the critical analysis. Description may be verbose distracting attention from the critical analysis.
8  7
A brief and possibly
underdeveloped description of the theoretical lens provides a basic foundation for analysis.
6  5   4
A summary of theory is given, but no attempts are made at relating it to the critical analysis.
3  2   1
Rationale for
The logic and rationale for the
choice of critical analysis are clearly & cohesively established. The writer explains how/why the selection was made.
10   9
The logic and rationale for the
choice of critical analysis are described; however, this may not be clearly developed throughout the analysis.
8  7
The rationale for the choice of
critical analysis is explained. This explanation may be highly subjective and/or logically evasive.
6   5  4
There is no explanation of
the purpose for selection of critical lens.
3  2   1
Application of lens Clear, thorough understanding of postcolonial critique is demonstrated through systematic analysis using the critical lens. The writer uses many specific textual citations to support analytical claims.
30    29    28    27    26
A solid understanding of post-colonial critique is demonstrated through analysis using the critical lens. The writer uses a few specific textual citations to support analytical claims.
25    24    23    22    21    20
A rudimentary understanding of postcolonial critique is demonstrated through attempts to use the chosen critical lens. The writer attempts textual citations but they may not sufficiently support analytical claims.
19    18    17    16    15    14
No application of post- colonial critique evident. The essay is merely a plot summary or basic character analysis and does not attempt to incorporate a critical lens.
13    10     7     4     1
Rhetorical style The writing is clear and concise with attention to purposeful selection of communication elements. A variety of sentence structures is incorporated for effortless flow of ideas. Vocab is sophisticated and appropriate to the critical analysis.
20     19    18      17
The writing is clear with some purposeful selection of communication elements. A variety of sentence structures is incorporated for largely cohesive flow of ideas. Vocabulary is functional.
16     15     14     13      12
The writing is either unduly verbose or distractingly choppy. Little variety in sentence structures impedes the overall flow of ideas. Vocab is basic & generalized rather than appropriate to the critical analysis.
11     10     9     8
Little apparent attempt at inclusion of rhetorical elements. Little variety in sentence structures impedes the overall flow of ideas. Vocabulary is basic and generalized rather than appropriate to the critical analysis.
6    5    4     3
Organization Analysis is logically organized
with a clear and suitable pattern of organizational development.
10    9
Analysis is organized with an
easily identified pattern of organization that may not particularly suit the selected critical analysis.
8   7
Analysis incorporates basic
structure that may not suit analysis. Structure and organization seem imposed rather than naturally enhancing the critical analysis.
6    5    4
Little or no evident planning in organization and structure. The essay meanders without a pattern of development.
3   2    1
Mechanics Essay is completely free of errors
in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Conscious efforts to revise and edit are evident.
10    9
Essay is free of distracting errors in grammar & spelling. Some errors in punctuation are noticeable but do not affect meaning and communication.
8   7
Noticeable errors in spelling,
grammar, and/or punctuation prove quite distracting. Prevalent problems with sentence fragments and run-ons impact meaning and overall communication.
6    5    4
Serious errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation prove quite distracting. Severe problems with sentence fragments and run-ons impact meaning and overall communication. A distinct lack of proofreading and editing is evident.
3    2    1
Documentation Proper APA/MLA citation format and conventions are consistently upheld throughout the entire essay. References/Works Cited page is complete and correct.
10    9
Proper APA/MLA citation format and conventions are displayed throughout most of the essay. There may be some areas where clearer citation is recommended. References/ Works Cited page is complete and correct.
8   7
APA/MLA citation format and
conventions are attempted but perhaps inconsistently and/or incompletely. Some areas may be approaching plagiarism. References/Works Cited page is complete but with some minor errors in format.
6    5    4
No clear attempts at APA/MLA citation format or conventions. Plagiarism is possible. References/Works Cited page is incomplete and/or incorrect with serious errors that may constitute plagiarism.
3    2    1


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