Nursing homework help

Part I: Choose ONE of the following options.

  1. Birth Outcomes      Birth outcomes, like other health indicators, follow the wealth-health gradient of the socioeconomic ladder. According to the video clip #3, what did Dr. Lu mean by the life-course perspective and how does this perspective support a link between racism and premature birth or low birth-weight babies? Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American women? Answer these two questions using at least 250words. Be sure to use sources from your readings and the video clips to support your answer and cite your sources using proper APA format.
  2. Social Status    This week you read about how social status impacts health status from birth to death. Why do differences in health outcomes emerge from childhood conditions? What specifically are these conditions and how do they change as move we through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and finally into retirement? Answer these two questions using at least 250 words. Be sure to use sources from your readings and the video clips to support your answer and cite your sources using proper APA format.
  3. Health Behavior    Exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and buckling up the seat belt are all behaviors that reduce the changes a person will die early. What things influence our health behavior? Why are those people higher on the socioeconomic ladder more likely to refrain from health-damaging behaviors and engage in those behaviors that promote health? Answer these two questions using at least 250 words. Be sure to use sources from your readings and the video clips to support your answer and cite your sources using proper APA format.
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