Assignment Help

Assignment Help. So, here is what I would like you to do: 1.  Click on Seligman on Flourishing( and watch the video in which he gives you a short, but comprehensive explanat

So, here is what I would like you to do:

1.  Click on Seligman on Flourishing( and watch the video in which he gives you a short, but comprehensive explanation of the components of Flourishing.

2.  When you are finished watching this video, please come back here and share with us three things that you found striking in Dr. Seligman’s presentation — and why you think each is important for us.

3.  Next, tell us how you think you could incorporate two of these striking concepts in our daily lives — and what you think this incorporation could mean for our happiness.

4.  Finally, if you found anything in his presentation you did not quite get, please ask for clarification.

Here are the Links for resources related to the other twoconcepts

This link is for the Altruism concept

This link is for the Empathy concept

Assignment Help