Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. I need some assistance with these assignment. marketing of a product communication Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. marketing of a product communication Thank you in advance for the help! It means segmenting the market correctly and not in the way that most companies think about segmentation It means having a profound understanding of their attitudes, their knowledge, and their emotions. Consumer behavior studies reveal that they are more influenced by their culture and belief and less by the value of the product itself. The utility of the product is secondary. Beliefs are developed over a period of time and are a product of customs and practices of a community or group developed as a result of either religious or ethical values.

In modern practice, advertisement plays a great role in marketing any product. The markets have now grown from small outlets to those gigantic ones which stock everything under the sun. There is a great variety and the customer is like to miss many of them without any information. This is communicated to the prospective buyers through the medium of advertising. The media is divided between

The great debate is about the effectiveness of an advertisement. What kind of advertisement or message is most convincing in a short span of 30 seconds in case of a TV ad or a slightly longer stay online on the internet? Amongst the latest forays is the emotional appeal that has become so common today that it is believed to be the most effective of all.

It is known that customers buy products to meet their needs. Therefore a deodorant meets the need for stopping sweat and eliminating odor. This need is functional and the ad must show this as a must-have feature to be effective. But it has been proven through market research that the emotional need of a customer is equally strong and often compels him or her to a purchase decision.

For example, in the above-cited case if the customer feels that this particular product will “make me comfortable and confident when people are around”, then it would have addressed the emotional need of the customer and will possibly result in a purchase. If this is conveyed in a TV commercial or a print advertisement by a well-known figure it will carry more influence.

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. Emotional advertising is a subject of growing interest to advertising managers because of its potential for increasing the effectiveness of marketing communications Emotions that are portrayed by actors in ads may communicate hedonic product benefits and enhance attention to the ad.&nbsp.

Article Writing Homework Help