Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Chapter 3 discusses methods to assess the quality of simulations. You learned about three different views of simulation quality. Suppose you lead a task force that is developing a simulation to provid

Chapter 3 discusses methods to assess the quality of simulations. You learned about three different views of simulation quality.

Suppose you lead a task force that is developing a simulation to provide strategic planning recommendations for property use zoning for a county of 750,000 residents. The zoning board and county commissioners want a simulation that allows them to assess the impact of various zoning decisions based on a variety of dynamic factors, including age, race, education, and income status. Which of the three views discussed in the chapter would provide the best quality assessment for this type of simulation? How would you ensure the highest level of accuracy with your simulation, and how would you go about determining accuracy?

 You must do the following:

 1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, identify which of the three views discussed in the chapter that would provide the best quality assessment for the situation described above, and explain your decision. How would you ensure the highest level of accuracy with your simulation, and how would you go about determining accuracy?

 2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.

Remember your initial post on the main topic should be posted by Thursday 11:59 PM (EST). Your 2 following posts should be commenting on your classmates’ post on different days by Sunday  11:59 PM (EST). You should end the week with 3 total discussion posts. A quality post is more than stating, “I agree with you.” Maybe you should state why you agree with your classmate’s post. Additionally, post some examples or find a related topic. 

Use APA format for references and citations. Exclude cover page. Do not submit your post as an attachment. 

Article Writing Homework Help