Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. M8D1: International cybersecurity Module 8 The multi-stakeholder model emerged for governance of the Internet. At present, this model has had only marginal ability to improve security outside of som

M8D1: International cybersecurity

Module 8The multi-stakeholder model emerged for governance of the Internet.  At present, this model has had only marginal ability to improve security outside of some technical and engineering improvements in protocols.  Think about what else can be done within international organizations, multi-lateral funding agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to improve global cybersecurity.

As always be mindful of plagiarism.

The module learning outcomes addressed in this activity are:

·         Evaluate cybersecurity as an international relations issue (CO #1)

·         Explain why different nations may take different views of cybersecurity (CO #1, #2)

·         Discuss international policy issues regarding cybersecurity (CO #1)


After completing the assigned readings for the module, please respond to the following question in your initial post:

·     You are a member of the President’s National Security Council and must prepare talking points for the National Security Advisor to brief the President on the following question: What steps can the United States take within the internal forums such as the United Nations and the G-20 to improve cybersecurity?  Use course materials or outside academic resources to support your conclusions.

Computer Science Homework Help