Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Need an research paper on knowledge management system of google inc. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on knowledge management system of google inc. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. The organizations tend to increase productivity through an increase in functional efficiency and structural modification or by introducing creative ideas for new product development.&nbsp.

Google has been a flagship company in the area of internet search engines. It has been distinct in its customer-focused policies, development strategies and organizational culture that nurture creativity (Google Inc., 2014). As an organic firm, it uses horizontal communications to promote mutual understanding and shared learning. Their commitment to organizational goals is reflected in motivated teamwork that thrives on shared learning, participatory approach, and multiple skill development. Google continuously strives to meet the changing demands of its users for the generation of ideas for new products through its state of the art research and development facility. They have also diversified their business portfolio so that they can maintain their leverage in the market. Effective knowledge management has emerged as key enabling element that provides Google with significant leverage in the industry.

Within the organizational setup, Grant et al. (2010) have defined knowledge management as a process that helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate, and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organization’s memory. Drucker emphasizes that access to information is intrinsically linked to the success of a firm (2001). True because Google has exploited the information and knowledge for higher performance outcomes. Data, information, and knowledge facilitate informed choices that are linked to organizational goals and objectives, leading to organizational growth. While data defines the facts regarding various issues and subjects, the information relates to the streamlining of the data into a specific format such that it becomes valuable for firms. Knowledge helps exploit the information for organizational growth.

Article Writing Homework Help