Information Systems Homework Help

Information Systems Homework Help. Key Assignment Draft As is true with all components in any computing environment, security considerations are paramount for operating systems as well. Performing risk assessments and identifying mitig

Key Assignment Draft

As is true with all components in any computing environment, security considerations are paramount for operating systems as well. Performing risk assessments and identifying mitigation strategies in advance is a way to ensure that security has been addressed at the operating system level. Virtualized operating systems bring a new set of challenges.


For this assignment, you will be compiling your draft of your Key Assignment by incorporating all of the feedback you have received from your instructor and classmates in this week’s Discussion Board. You will also be adding new content related to identifying security risks and potential mitigation strategies.

The project deliverables are the following:

  1. Update the Operating Systems Design Document title page with the new date and project name.
  2. Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  3. New content (2–3 pages) regarding security should include the following:
    • A description of the areas of an operating system that should be evaluated for performing a risk assessment
    • A thorough description of at least 5 risks that pertain to your selected operating system solution
    • A description of the risk mitigation approach for each risk

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Information Systems Homework Help