HR Management Homework Help

HR Management Homework Help. QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 1 in your modules entitled: BC’s Labour Market Outlook 2019 edition. ( link for that bc labour reading is

QUESTION: Read the required reading article nested under chapter 1 in your modules entitled: BC’s Labour Market Outlook 2019 edition.   ( link for that bc labour reading is  ) 

use apa style  and the words limit is 400 to 450

Then, analyze and discuss ONE Canadian labour market information you find in that required reading article that have implications for a human resource manager. Focus your discussion on one industry only, especially if you work or have worked in one,  and how the human resource management functions will be specifically affected and how by that labour market information.


Introduction (use in-text citations when citing)

Body (use in-text citations when citing)

Conclusion (use in-text citations when citing)

References (list your references using APA format)

How you will be marked:

The identified labour market information and issue is true and correct. (1 marks)

The analysis and discussion of the labour market issues is sensible and research-based. (3.5 marks)

The relationship of the labour market issue to the identified industry is logical. (3.5 marks)

The layout reflects a professional document and aids understanding and includes proper citations and referencing. (1 mark)

A proper introduction, body and conclusion is clearly evident. (0.5 mark)

Writing is free of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. (0.5 mark)

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HR Management Homework Help