Philosophy Homework Help

Philosophy Homework Help. According to Josef Pieper, how does the classical idea of leisure, found in Aristotle, differ from the modern idea of leisure? According to Josef Pieper, how does the classical idea of leisure, found

According to Josef Pieper, how does the classical idea of leisure, found in Aristotle, differ from the modern idea of leisure?

According to Josef Pieper, how does the classical idea of leisure, found in Aristotle, differ from the modern idea of leisure? 

When the world of work absorbs and destroys the world of leisure, there seems to be no room for philosophy, to contemplate the universe and question itself about it. Then pseudo philosophers appear, such as pseudo poetry, or pseudo religion.

Josef Pieper

Leisure is an integral part of work. It must be aimed at nurturing in man his capacity for healthy rest and the strengthening of individual freedom and autonomy.

Philosophy Homework Help