Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on chalenges in developing journal body paragraph.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on chalenges in developing journal body paragraph. Journal Challenges in Developing Body Paragraph The biggest challenge after starting a paper is the body paragraph development. Developing a bodyparagraph remains a challenging prospect since it involves the construction of a solid argument about the paper. In most cases, I find it challenging to support my prejudices, assumptions and stereotypes. Occasionally, most of my body paragraphs are less logical and appealing. Misplaced statements, clichés and metaphors are also common in my body paragraphs. Another major challenge during the development of body paragraph is coherency and consistency. The information volumes from different sources are sometimes misleading from the main topic hence making the body paragraph lose consistency.

Revision Plan

Revisions remain the most challenging process in writing since it involves various aspects. In most instances, revisions are demanding given the client’s ultimatums and requests. However, with revision plans, revisions are less problematic. Focusing on the paper weaknesses remains my biggest revision strategy. While doing the paper, I am always aware of areas that were problematic. Therefore, I always plan early in areas that I felt I was weak.

Greatest Challenge

Creating consistency and focus in my papers remains my greatest challenge. The fact that in normally acquire information from different sources, in most cases, they end up misleading me during the paper development. In fact, it makes my paper loose consistency. I also tend to lose focus from the main argument and the thesis. Another challenge that I always experience is creating an effective paper flow within the paragraphs. In most cases, I end up losing track of the topic. Addressing consistency and flow within the paper depends on continuous practice and revisions.

Article Writing Homework Help