Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Identify one interesting Internet-based video, slideshow, or article, that adds to the class’s understanding of creativity and/or innovation;Evaluate the credulity, insightfulness, and value – concept

  • Identify one interesting Internet-based video, slideshow, or article, that adds to the class’s understanding of creativity and/or innovation;
  • Evaluate the credulity, insightfulness, and value – conceptual and/or practical – of one particular publicly-available information source about creativity and/or innovation.
  • Write 600-word evaluation of the information source you choose.   Your evaluation should try to lend context to the content, describing strengths of the insights it gives (after all, it has some reason to appeal to you) and possibly offering some criticisms of it as well.  If you find the content awesome, say why you find it so; if you find parts of it fallacious, write about that as well.
  • Write you evaluation using a memo format.  The memo can include bullet points, but must include APA citations if and when you cite sources (you will obviously have to cite the video/slideshow/article at the least).

A memo template is attached below, with examples of APA references for different types of internet sources, for you to use.  Please download and take a look at both pages.

Article Writing Homework Help