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Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Questioned Document Examiners.

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Questioned Document Examiners. The home page, among other things, provides crucial and trending news for readers in the ‘Important Notes’ section of the page. One only has to click on the ‘more’ option at the bottom of it to keep themselves updated on matters of the organization that are listed down in brief point forms. Still on the home page, in the second column are two important areas, one titled ‘About ASQDE’ and the other the ‘President’s Welcome’. The President’s welcome is quite brief, precise, and importantly, cordial, welcoming all to explore the site, learn, and join hands. However, it is the ‘About the ASQDE’ section that I found quite intriguing and a rich source of valuable data. The section lists the ASQDE executive members and their ranks/ roles, has the ‘member directory’ section that offers the names and contacts of most of the members, ‘Objectives & Purposes’ where an explorer learns more about the noble goals and visions of the group, updates the reader on the upcoming 2015 annual general meeting (the 73rd AGM) that is scheduled to take place in Eaton Hotel, Toronto, Canada from August 8th through to August 13th (with co-coordinators also listed), a list of persons who have served as presidents of the ASQDE over time (the whole 32 of them), responsibilities and duties of the members, group by-laws, previous meetings, donations to the ASQDE, awards, code of ethics by which members are to adhere, alongside the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section. Importantly still, the ‘About Us’ section gives a good source of information for one desirous to learn more about the history of the society under the ‘Origin of the ASQDE’ section. Information such as the name of the original founder, year of foundation, and development are available in this section (The American Society of&nbsp.Questioned Document Examiners, 2015).

The ‘Membership’ link at the top of the home page aids an aspiring member on how to join the society and gives them credible reasons why they should seriously consider joining. I found this section quite useful, tempting, and handy. The ‘Journal’ area is also important with search article abstracts, guidance on how to publish articles, subscriptions, and basic issues. According to the lead editor, Tobin Tanaka, a journal was first published by the group in June 1998 and currently, two journals are released annually with peer-reviewed articles regarding forensics. I also found out that non-members, as well as agencies and other institutions, can subscribe to journals (The American Society of&nbsp.Questioned Document Examiners, 2015).

The ‘Resources’ section boasts a national library with over 433 viewable and downloadable books as well as 198 journals, a list of other forensic organizations, topics of interest in forensic science, exchange of information for a digital/ online libraries, educational calendars, and employment opportunities. The site also offers help in finding an expert in forensic document examination both in and out of the United States, as well as a page for recent we updates since 2011. There is an ‘FDE Only’ page with password protection for authorized users, a site map to guide in the easy exploration of the website and privacy policy regarding the use of the site. The ‘Contact Us’ section is important with ASQDE mailing address, telephone numbers, and email addresses for those who may want to get more help or receive extra information (The American Society of&nbsp.Questioned Document Examiners, 2015). The site is basically a one-stop-shop on matters ASQDE.