Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Creation Stories around the World. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Creation Stories around the World. It needs to be at least 1250 words. One of the Chinese theories of creation is the Pan-gu creation story. It is worth noting that civilization within the Chinese culture dates back many centuries ago. In fact, there are written manuscript on the Pan-gu creation theory that dates back to the sixth century. According to this story, the initial living being that ever existed was Pan-gu. Before Pan-gu was formed in an egg, there existed darkness all over and the world was void. Based on this story, Pan-gu grew within a huge or enormous egg that was formed in the void space. This egg is believed to have enclosed all the constituents of the cosmos. Pan-gu grew and developed at a very speedy rate and in the process, he parted the ground and the heavens inside the huge egg. There are also other factors that he separated such as the male and the female, and light and the dark. While inside the egg, Pan-gu is also believed to have created the first man and woman. When the egg finally hatched after eighteen thousand years, Pan-gu died as a result of exhaustion from the work of creation (Giddens and Giddens, 2006).

Pan-gu was exhausted from his ordeal. Many thousands of years had passed since he had grown inside the egg and now he was old in both body and spirit. He went to sleep and never woke up again. When he died, his body made up the world and its elements. His breath made up the wind and the clouds. His voice became the thunder. His blood became the rivers, and his veins were the pathways men took when traveling. His body, hair, and skin became the grass and herbs. His bones and teeth precious stones and minerals. Every part of Pan-gus anatomy became a part of nature. Even the parasites on his body turned into animals and fish. (p. 35)

Additionally, Giddens and Giddens (2006) posits that Pan-gu eyes were transformed into the sun and the moon after his death, his limbs turned out to be the four directions of the&nbsp.compass, and his decomposed flesh turned out to be the soil.