Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 1750 words assignment on meta-analysis of the effect of antiretroviral therapy on sexual risk behavior. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1750 words assignment on meta-analysis of the effect of antiretroviral therapy on sexual risk behavior. Needs to be plagiarism free! Several medicines have been developed to decrease the viral load in the patient, thereby increasing the life span of the patients and decreasing the risk of opportunistic infections. However, so far, neither an effective cure, not a useful vaccine has been developed due to the complexities involved in the structure and pathophysiology of the disease (Steven et al 2006). Thus, the only hope of treatment for those contracted with HIV infection remains pharmacotherapy to decrease the viral load in the blood. Due to these reasons, preventive strategies have become very important in the management of the HIV pandemic worldwide. However, despite rampant education and preventive strategies, both by public health authorities, governments and private organizations, the rise of incidence of HIV continue, all over the world, including the Sub-Saharan African region. One of the main reasons for the transmission of the virus is the increase in risky sexual behavior and practices by HIV-positive patients. Previously, before the advent of effective antiretroviral therapy or ART, HIV infection led to the rapid development of opportunistic infections, ultimately leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Death. Thus, those contracted with the disease were weak and depressed with a lack of libido and decreased sexual activity. However, the advent of ART, especially Highly Active ART, also known as HAART, has improved the health of HIV patients, leading to increased libido and increased unsafe sexual activities. The more they rise in unsafe sexual activities, the more chances that the virus is transmitted to others. As such the most common mode of transmission of HIV infection is through risky sexual practices like multiple sex partners, unprotected sexual intercourse, and needle sharing amongst intravenous drug users (CDC 2008).

Access to antiretroviral therapy has advanced not only in developed countries (paella et al, 1998 and Details et al,&nbsp.1998), but also in developing and underdeveloped countries like Africa, thereby increasing the survival chances and quality of life in HIV positive patients residing even in these countries.&nbsp.