Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses tasks in chemistry. 3. From the right-hand side the peaks have been arranged in the following order. acetophenone, p-chlorophenol, benzonitrile, p-xylene, p-

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses tasks in chemistry. 3. From the right-hand side the peaks have been arranged in the following order. acetophenone, p-chlorophenol, benzonitrile, p-xylene, p-dichlorobenzene, ethylbenzene, bromobenzene, toluene, and n-butylbenzene.

4. Discuss each of the chromatograms you have produced in parts 1 and 2 above. Your discussions should make reference/attempt to define by application all of the following: the resolution of peaks, band broadening, mechanism of separation for each technique, the order of elution, mobile phase properties, stationary phase properties, parameters that gave rise to the chromatograms presented and the effect they had on separation with particular reference to the challenges that presented themselves when trying to establish the optimum parameters.

The first two peaks of acetophenone and p-chlorophenol have a high resolution because they have very short elution time. This is because their mobile phase has a low adsorption coefficient as compared to the other compounds. While the rest of the compounds have high elution time.

Some of the peaks have broad bands because of the path, they took to be eluded. It has been found out that some compounds accidentally take shorter routes in the column, therefore they have fine thin bands.

Sample separation depends on the affinity and solubility of the mobile phase on the stationary phase. The samples have been eluded in the order shown above because, acetophenone and p-chlorophenol have low solubility in the stationary phase, therefore they pass the stationary phase very fast.

1. The following three tables contain data collected over two days from an HPLC analysis of caffeine in blood serum samples. From the data, it is quite clear that something has gone wrong during the analysis on one of those days. Use the data presented in the following three tables to answer the questions below:

(g) Use the Internal Standard Calibration Method to calculate the concentration of caffeine in each of the three samples. Data for the samples presented in Table 3 and note that each sample has been analyzed in triplicate. Use average values for this data in your calculations.