Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on application of value engineering management in the saudi arabia construction industry Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on application of value engineering management in the saudi arabia construction industry Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! As a result of increased emphasis on ethical considerations of business and health and safety legislation necessitating the implementation of health and safety principles in work has given rise to such concepts as “value engineering”. Value engineering is a field of science that aims at selecting suitable alternatives to work procedures and materials that would ensure achievement of the same work efficiency while being environmentally friendly. Value engineering not only tends to save the environment from possible hazards but also minimizes the construction time and cost and maximizes the benefits earned on business both for the owners and the state.

Application of value engineering in construction projects is essential given the nature of the construction work, that consumes natural resources to build projects that directly or indirectly add to environmental pollution. The construction industry is one of the most fundamental causes of the increase in environmental pollution and a decrease in natural resources. Hence, the need for ethical selection of resources and building procedures is a must to ensure a healthy environment for the coming generations.

The research will significantly contribute towards the development of an understanding of the importance of value engineering in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia in general with special reference to the value engineering of building projects.

This research aims at evaluating the level of importance and consideration given to value engineering in the rapidly progressing and fast track building construction projects in Saudi Arabia – a land where the concept of value engineering is difficult to implement, given the fast track nature of construction.

A lot of construction projects in Saudi Arabia are delayed because of the use of inappropriate construction materials, and the wrong choice of procedures and methodologies, while very fewer projects incorporate or are even aware of the usefulness of value engineering in realizing suitable alternatives to the procedures in use.