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Need help with my writing homework on Colleges Put too Much Stock in Standardized Test Scores. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Colleges Put too Much Stock in Standardized Test Scores. Write a 1250 word paper answering; First, standardized tests cannot provide a full picture of students’ abilities and potential as it only reflects one’s success in a particular day under particular circumstances. The fact that tests evaluate students’ readiness on a particular day undermines the value of his/her long-term performance, which has negative outcomes. Firstly, it is not possible to have a clear vision of students’ potential in a subject as far as all past success is not considered. Secondly, tests do not measure unique qualities, such as creativity, critical and conceptual thinking, imagination, and other educationally important attributes of a personality. (Strauss) There is a meaningful distinction between a student who has constantly shown outstanding performance and by this gained the reputation of an adept and student who applied little efforts or has no remarkable talents, but who has learned for a test. Although tests equalize both of them, their abilities are not being adequately measured. (Kohn) Thereof, there are logical reasons to predict that the first student would achieve more success in a subject than the second one.

What is more, putting too much value on standardized tests aims students not to gain versatile knowledge and perfect themselves daily, but at passing a test only. The following can touch upon both a student who receives an opportunity not to be constantly engaged in a study and a teacher who becomes pressured to teach to the test without giving much value to fostering skills beyond the tests. (Kohn) Such a system is fragile as it converts the values that the youth has to cherish. Since passing a test is a goal, one has an opportunity to choose between the means of its achievement. A recent cheating scandal in Atlanta public schools is a good example of the consequences of putting too much value on the goal without considering the means of its achievement. (“Rhode Island Public Radio”) Under the “means,” student’s long-term performance and versatile abilities are meant. Even more, a study revealed that usage of Ritalin and Adderall is widespread among high school students. They are expected to increase concentration, alertness, and mental processing speed – another alternative to preparation and hard work. Putting it in other words, students see more value in passing a test than in the very idea of acquiring knowledge.

Apart from that, the “one size fits all model,” which tests aim to serve, cannot be adequately performed as far as students are not placed under the same conditions. One of the significant benefits that proponents of standardized tests often mention is comparing students’ achievements from different districts and states. This means that there is a certain standard in education to which everyone should strive and be used as an objective measure of one’s success. The following position of supporters of tests is clear and understandable but idealized.&nbsp.