Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Police Abuse to Gays. Kelly McAllister repeated requests even to attend the calls of nature were also turned down. She was taken to Sacramento County Main Jail

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Police Abuse to Gays.

Kelly McAllister repeated requests even to attend the calls of nature were also turned down. She was taken to Sacramento County Main Jail on September 6, 2002, where she was incarcerated in a basement jail with a male inmate. Here, she was also subjected to sexual abuse by this inmate. After medical examination, she was sent back to the main jail where she was subjected to more humiliation and sexual assaults by male inmates and mocked by jail authorities stating that she may have enjoyed the sexual assaults.

It is reported that while in jail, she attempted to commit suicide twice.All these misdeeds occurred in grave contravention of fundamental domestic and global human rights laws, especially that relating to Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT). Despite the fact that a full investigation and report had been filed with the Sheriff’s office in Sacramento, no disciplinary action has been taken against any of the perpetrators of such brutal and inhuman actions on this woman.The above instance is only an example of the ways in which LGBT members are tortured and marginalized by the law enforcement system of this country.

As has been rightly observed, “The targeting of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people for discriminatory enforcement of laws and their treatment in the hands of police needs to be understood within the larger context of identity-based discrimination, and the interplay between different forms of discrimination—such as racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia—that create the conditions in which human rights abuses are perpetuated.” (Stonewall Police Abuse and Misconduct: Introduction).

Evaluate it against relevant International Human Rights Agreements and domestic human right laws: Amnesty International is a forerunner for the cause of human rights all over the world “By highlighting instances of abuse against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) individuals, Amnesty’s activists work to protect members of the LGBT community whilst striving to achieve decriminalization and marriage equality.” (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Human Rights).