Marketing Homework Help

Please write a written case analysis of Southwest Airlines ( SWA ) Included is the Southwest case article to base the paper on. Please use FONT # 12 ( TAHOMA ) and DOUBLE – Space and page numbers o

Please write a written case analysis of Southwest Airlines ( SWA )

Included is the Southwest case article to base the paper on. 

 Please use FONT # 12  ( TAHOMA ) and DOUBLE – Space and page numbers on bottom of page

PLEASE DO NOT Narrarate or simplyy describe the case info instead analyze their significance and implications 

PLEASE NOTE: The file that is labeled as “SCANNED DOCUMENT” is an example of a different case analysis that can be used as an EXAMPLE of how to do this one.

Please include: and LABEL before going into each part:


-Industry Market Analysis

-Consumer Analysis

-Competition Analysis (who are the competitors? Who should they compete with?)

-Distribution Analysis

-Promo/Advertising Analysis

-SWOT Analysis


