English Homework Help

Group Project—Topics in Communication Classmates’ Presentation Reaction Response (40 points each X3). You will have the opportunity to earn up to 120 points for offering your reaction to your classmat

Group Project—Topics in Communication Classmates’ Presentation Reaction Response (40 points each X3). You will have the opportunity to earn up to 120 points for offering your reaction to your classmates’ group project presentations. You are to offer your reactions to the THREE GROUP PRESENTATIONS in which you did not participate. All teams’ group project presentations will be available for you to view. Watch your classmates’ group project video for the presentations in which you weren’t involved and react to the presentation. First, you will carefully watch the other Group Project Presentations. Then, carefully consider your opinions relative to the presentation offered. Your reaction should not be limited to a summary of the presentation. Rather, I’m looking for you to reflect on the topic and describe what it means to you. You should explain your point of view on the subject and how the presentation may have impacted your perspective. Your reaction response should be succinct, but meaningful. Plan each of your reactions to be between 200 to 250 words with three paragraphs. You’ll need to complete this process for each of the three presentations that you are to review. Each of your reactions represent a third of your total grade for this assignment. Thus, each of your reactions are worth a total of 40 points.

I Will need 3 seperate reaction responses for each video between 200-250.

below is the links for all 3 videos to view

Black Lives Matter: https://youtu.be/grizZeOr1Lc

Me Too!: https://youtu.be/S-kDd9uB95s

Love is Love: https://youtu.be/rSa_uraHtR4