English Homework Help

I have two tasks for my ELA homework: Task 1: Reread pages 171–175 of “The Palace Thief” (from “‘Well, young man,’ I said, knocking on the door frame” to “and trundled off to sit among his friends”)

I have two tasks for my ELA homework:Task 1: Reread pages 171–175 of “The Palace Thief” (from “‘Well, young man,’ I said, knocking on the door frame” to “and trundled off to sit among his friends”) and write a three paragraph response to the following prompt:

How does Hundert’s description of a significant interaction in this passage develop the character of either Sedgewick or Hundert? (p. 172 – 175)

Task 2: Read and analyze pages 175–182 of “The Palace Thief” (from “It came as a surprise, then, when I learned in the Richmond Gazette” to “and by the end of that month he had asked me to retire”) and write a three paragraph response to the following prompt:

What is the conflict in this section? How does this conflict create or change the central idea in this passage? (p. 176-182)