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Scientific Method Assignment 2: Design an ExperimentInstructions You are presented with a nutritional supplement. The label claims that the supplement, ginseng, has a variety of benefits, including

Scientific Method Assignment 2: Design an ExperimentInstructions 

You are presented with a nutritional supplement. The label claims that the supplement, ginseng, has a variety of benefits, including it reduces inflammation, enhances memory, boosts the immune system, and lowers blood sugar.

For one of these claims, propose a hypothesis and a specific experiment to test your hypothesis. Include the details of your experimental design. Look at the rubric to see what should be addressed in your short paper.

 Important Information

You will not actually be performing this experiment! Simply write a proposal outlining how you would test this claim. Write in active voice (“I will perform…” instead of “Experiments will be performed…”). Make sure that you propose a reasonable number of subjects for each group, and think about variables that could confound your results. Refer to the rubric for specific grading criteria.

How to Submit Your Assignment

Follow the prompt above and design your experiment in a one-page, typed paper. 


  • One page in length
  • Single-spaced
  • .doc, .docx, PDF
  • 12 pt font

Competencies and Objectives

Competency 1: Use the scientific method to analyze data within a given data set

Objective 1.3: Differentiate between the control versus the experimental group(s)

Objective 1.4: Describe and identify a variable

Objective 1.5: Develop a hypothesis

Objective 1.6: Design an experiment, with proper controls, to test a scientific claim

RubricProject 1 Part 2: Case Study – Evaluate a Health ClaimProject 1 Part 2: Case Study – Evaluate a Health ClaimCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHypothesis2 ptsCompetentHypothesis is clearly stated, testable, and falsifiable1 ptsNeeds Improvement0 ptsIncompleteHypothesis was not stated2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExperiment Design2 ptsCompetentExperiment clearly tests the hypothesis1pts Needs ImprovementExperiment is inconclusive0 ptsIncompleteExperiment does not test the hypothesis 2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeControl and experimental groups2 ptsCompetentThe control and experimental groups are clearly defined1 ptsNeeds ImprovementOne group is clearly defined, but the other is not0 ptsIncompleteNeither group is defined correctly2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDependent variable(s)2 ptsCompetentExperimental design describes how the dependent variable will be measured1 ptsNeeds ImprovementDependent variable is identified but measurement is not defined0 ptsIncompleteExperimental design does not describe how the dependent variable will be measured2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOther Variables2 ptsCompetentExperimental design identifies which other variables are held constant1 ptsNeeds ImprovementNot all relevant variables are identified0 ptsIncompleteExperimental design does not identify which other variables are held constant2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlacebo effect2 ptsCompetentExperimental design adequately addresses the placebo effect1 ptsNeeds ImprovementExperimental design does not adequately addresses the placebo effect0 ptsIncompleteExperimental design does not address the placebo effect2 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1-3: Differentiate the control versus the experimental group(s)nullthreshold: 4.0 pts5 ptsExceeds Expectations4 ptsMeets Expectations0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations–  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1-4: Describe and identify variablenullthreshold: 4.0 pts5 ptsExceeds Expectations4 ptsMeets Expectations0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations–  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1-5: Develop hypothesisnullthreshold: 4.0 pts5 ptsExceeds Expectations4 ptsMeets Expectations0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations–  This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1-6: Design an experiment, with proper controls, to test a scientific claimnullthreshold: 4.0 pts5 ptsExceeds Expectations4 ptsMeets Expectations0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations– Total Points: 12