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Write a 1 page paper on nclb. Running Head: Involvement by the Federal Government in Setting Education Policy. NCLB. One policy by thefederal government with far reaching implications to schooling in

Write a 1 page paper on nclb. Running Head: Involvement by the Federal Government in Setting Education Policy. NCLB. One policy by thefederal government with far reaching implications to schooling in the US is the No Child Left Behind Act 2001. NCLB is particularly concerned with academic performance among student and thus sets standards for all states to adopt systems of accountability based on outcomes. The act not only sets achievement targets for every child but also rewards for school performance as well as measures for schools that do not achieve the goals. So as to effectively implement the law, some states have been forced to make special accommodations (Motoko, 2013). However not all the accommodations have been by states as positive and valid? The question therefore is whether the federal government should be involved in directing state education policy.

The quality of schooling is of special importance to any nation. Economic performance is a direct outcome of knowledge. Income levels as well as GDP directly depend on knowledge, skills and training levels. Academic skills therefore are very important in the market place and this forms the basis for accountability in school performance. It will be note also that it is an obvious responsibility of the federal government to promote economic growth. States do not account for population mobility and thus many not make decisions that benefit the entire nation. They also may not properly consider the effects of a poorly educated citizenry and workforce. Many students also more on completing education and therefore states do not benefit from the investment in education directly (Nathan, 2005).

Local politics of self-interest and voter apathy manifesting in school elections and local teachers unions destruct school policies from focusing on measurable outcomes. Such forces can only be checked by a neutral national policy set by the federal government. The federal government has also been historically interested with equitable distribution of income and protecting children from marginalized populations whose educational attainment is significantly hurt by shortcomings in the school system. Federal government should therefore set standards of achievement while states and school districts decide on the best ways of achieving improved incomes as per the standards set.


1. Richard P. Nathan. (2005). Should the Federal Government be Involved in School Accountability? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, 167–178. Available at:

2. Motoko Rich. (2013). Holding States and Schools Accountable. The New York Times. Available at: