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Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Origin, Economics and Political Governance in Finland. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Gui

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Origin, Economics and Political Governance in Finland. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The arrival of Christian missionaries marked the beginning of colonization where Finland became a grand duchy under Sweden from the 12th to the 19th century. However, Sweden lost its position in Finland following pressure from Russia in their war between 1808and 1809. As a grand duchy of Russia, the senate was the highest governing body and matters pertaining to the administration were handled by directly by the emperor in St Petersburg. thus, Russian authorities could not interfere. Mutiny among the Russian troops spread to the Helsinki fleets during the Russian revolution, which resulted in intensified calls for independence with a general strike called by workers, culminating to a civil war. The divisions in a society that resulted from the conflict have been dire to the extent of hostility based on views and ideologies by the citizens. Finland won its full independence in 1917, but was unable to protect its freedom during the Second World War and was experienced invasion from the Soviet Union (Barton 231).

Finnish political governance is guided a by the constitution, which came into force the year 2000 and amended in 2012. The amendment saw the prime minister become the most powerful politician and the president reduced to a ceremonial and non-executive position: moreover, the president is the head of state and is elected for a period of six years (“Political and demographical description”). The political system in Finland is based on parliamentary democracy where citizens can participate in the election of parliamentary, municipal and presidential candidates. Parliament is elected for a term of four years. this is in line with vesting the power to the people.&nbsp.