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Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Summary of the Articles by Albert Camus, Thomas Nagel and Prichard.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Summary of the Articles by Albert Camus, Thomas Nagel and Prichard. The acknowledgment of and rebellion against the Absurd, the exercise of free will in self-investment in the performance of life to find intrinsic meaning, despite the incomprehensibility of the world, is to live well. A human being is just a dot in this world. The world cannot run as per the desire of an individual nor a group of individuals. Everything happens in this world as it should. What is important is the process of living, and not complaining about the so-called absurdities. For example, the lotus is born in slush and mud. lives in it, and when in bloom enthralls the viewer. It does not complain, nor does it think of committing suicide. Why complain about the thorns? Think of the beauty and fragrance of the roses. One should not complain about one’s fundamental relationship with the world. The world cannot run on happiness. Happiness and sorrow are alternative beats of the same heart. they are inevitable parts of the same truth. One cannot think of darkness without the knowledge about what light is! So absurdity need not cause tension. Accept its existence, the thing or issue that looks absurd today may prove the validity of its existence at a later stage.

Understanding the meaning of human existence is not the process of one day or one year. It is a process that can be experienced instantly and the authentic process of living begins after that experience. One cannot say that the ocean is absurd because there are waves. Waves are the very nature of the ocean and one needs to tackle the waves and do the swimming. Similarly, the fulfillment and non-fulfillment of one’s desire is part of the eternal function of nature. So, to invite a crisis with the feeling of absurdity is a meaningless exercise. Camus describes “Suicide like the leap, is an acceptance at its extreme.”(435. n. p.) and the art of living in the state exactly opposite to it.