>Applied Sciences homework help

In your responses to your peers, suggest a method of overcoming the disadvantages of the fundraising methods that they identified.
Post #1 Don
The first fund raising method I would choose as a CEO of a nonprofit would to hold a social media (crowdfunding) event in order to reach out to a larger target market. Especially during current conditions with Covid -19 a social media event has its advantages; they are inexpensive to plan, generates more interests than direct mailers or emails, and captures the audience’s attention. Technology has played a key role in fundraising and all indications are that this will continue in the years ahead. The downside to social media fundraising is that they tend to have a one-time purpose, they don’t lend themselves to long term giving. Another big factor in this type of event, it has to be huge or viral to really make it a true success event (Worth, 2015).
As we read the article this week about the ALS Ice Bucket challenge back in 2014, the first 2 months of the challenge engaged more than 28 million people. This event had the 4 key characteristics of having a successful event; there was a charity element to it, a challenge was issued, and people love a good challenge. Thirdly, it involved celebrity types to build momentum, and lastly with the help of social media it was capable of reaching over 1 billion people (Burke, 2014). I’ve attached a Facebook link to a fundraiser that my older son is doing for the nonprofit that I choose for my final project, this is not a solicitation, as you watch this video think about a nonprofit (maybe your final project) that would provide you the same passion and motivation to make a difference (Winn, 2020).
The second fund raising method I would choose would be to hold a live event that would bring potential new prospects and donors to the event where they could see firsthand how the nonprofit organization operates. This gives newcomers to the organization some visibility on to programs and services the nonprofit provides, and there’s a social aspect that you don’t get through an online event. Philanthropy is all about building relationships, they don’t happen overnight but this is a great place to start that process. On the flip side; live events are not very cost effective; some nonprofits may not have the resources in budget to hold these events. These events can sometimes stray away from the reason why the nonprofit exists, sticking to the mission and objectives should be at the top of agenda for these events (Worth, 2015).
The David’s House website allows individuals to donate online via credit card, offers event planning assistance for individuals who want to host their own fundraiser. There’s long term planned giving options as well for those who’d like to bequest a specific amount or percent of their estate to the nonprofit (Worth, 2015). The website allows viewers to see what is needed via a grocery lists, and how volunteers can assist with preparing meals for the home and its visitors. I feel the website does a good job of directing visitors who want to contribute to the cause, the stories from families are truly motivational. I would like to see more social media exposure, as you look at my son’s link, you’ll see how important and effective using in social media outlets like Facebook can positively impact a fundraising event. The David’s House currently utilizes social media outlets Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, they will benefit from these media outlets moving forward (davids-house.org). It would make sense for all nonprofits to take advantage of media outlets like Facebook and their 1.3 billion followers to spread their mission on a global level (Worth, 2015).
Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/donate/703186940556331/
Burke, A (2014) Case Study: Ice Bucket Challenge. https://aislingburke.net/ice-bucket-challenge-a-case-study-2014
Winn, J (2020). https://www.facebook.com/donate/703186940556331/
Worth, M. J. (2019) Nonprofit Management: Principles and practices (5th ed.) Sage publication
Post #2
Evan Sinrich
As a CEO of a nonprofit, I can recognize the critical importance placed on fundraising. I would need to adapt my fundraising strategies to resonate with my target audience. To reach as many new donors as possible and in a cost-effective way, I would utilize e-mail and social media for fundraising.
CEOs and marketing leaders know that e-mail messaging is a major driver for fundraising, and follow the trends as, e-mail messaging contributed to 28% of all online revenue in 2017 (Nonprofits Source, 2020). Raising awareness and influencing users to visit your website’s donation page is the goal behind e-mail solicitation (Worth, 2019). Having a clear option for donations and ways to get involved on your website will quickly allow for the e-mail recipients to make a donation. The nonprofit website, needs to be designed carefully to fully entice donations. The donation form needs to be as unassuming and effortless as possible, to add no barriers, which would prevent a donor from completing (Henry, 2020). Also, according to Henry, you need to view your website as a store. “When you walk inside, you should feel safe and comfortable in a reputable establishment, one that’s well-maintained, provides a delightful, frictionless experience” (Henry, 2020). Anytime donors are looking to open their wallets, they need to feel comfortable about what they are contributing towards and is handled transparently. The donor needs to feel connected to the mission, have a clear path for donating and know where their money is going. Through e-mail solicitation, that can all be accomplished.
Another fundraising strategy that I would tap into as a CEO, would be the use of social media. “Social media channels are widely recognized tools in the corporate and nonprofit sector for creating a web presence and becoming successfully networked” (Appleby, 2016). Sites like, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn are great vehicles for communicating a message. These sites are free and easily accessible. On social media, it is important to illustrate a story, while connecting on an emotional level (Appleby, 2016). Social media is everywhere and is accessed through a few clicks on your phone. Nonprofits understand accessibility is a key for increasing their donations.
The nonprofit that I have focused on for this class has been the Lustgarten Foundation. Their website link for donations, can be accessed at: https://lustgarten.org/donate/. On their website, they rely on various avenues to donate. They instantly draw the consumer in, by eliciting an emotional response as say, “Your donation is extending lives today” (Lustgarten Foundation). This tool, brings a cause and effect reaction to your donation. The foundation uses multiple social media platforms to raise awareness and link back to their website. Additionally, the sponsor dozens of walk events across the country. The use of social media allows for a large component of peer-to-peer fundraising, and friends can invite their connections to participate in the event or sponsor them for the walk (Worth, 2019). I feel the strategies the Lustgarten Foundation uses are very successful. Next month marks Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. As such, the Lustgarten Foundation launched a social media campaign in conjunction with other cancer organizations to participate in “No-Shave November”, as a way to raise awareness and grow hair that many cancer patients tend to lose during chemotherapy (Lustgarten Foundation). This campaign transcends just this singular foundation as they have partnered with many other organizations to raise awareness.
Appleby, M.,(2016) Nonprofit Organizations and the utilization of social media:
Maximizing and measuring return of investment, SPNHA Review: Vol. 12: Iss. 1,
Article 4; http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/spnhareview/vol12/iss1/4
Henry, S., (2020). Elevation Web; as retrieved from:
Lustgarten Foundation. (2020), Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic Cancer Research;
As retrieved from: https://lustgarten.org/about-us/
Nonprofit Source, (2020). Email & Direct Mail Statistics for Nonprofits;
As retrieved from:

Email And Direct Mail Statistics

Worth, M.J. (2019). Nonprofit management principles and practice 5th ed.
Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press Sage Publications