Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help. FMM 208: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of presentation tracing a garment over time. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of
competency as students will demonstrate recognition for various garments worn during each costume period, including basic terminology, analyzing important
historical impacts on the garment as well as its development over time and what traces are present in today’s fashions. The project is divided into three
milestones, which will be submitted in Modules Three, Four, and Six. Your Final Project is due in Module Seven.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to apply what you have learned in this course and should include several of the following course
 Analyze important, global historical events of each costume period and identify the effects of these events on clothing development
 Demonstrate recognition of the basic garments worn during each costume period
 Demonstrate knowledge of basic terminology characterizing each costume period
 Demonstrate an understanding of clothing development over time and place
 Create and share a project that demonstrates their understanding of and ability to apply the concepts of fashion and costume presented in the course
Main Elements
The topic for this presentation will be your choice of a garment, the development of which you will trace over time. Your final product will contain photographs,
illustrations, etc. in addition to a written description of your garment and its changes over time. You may present using Word, PowerPoint, Prezi, or PDF. Your
final product should be between 3–5 pages including photos and drawings. You can look to your weekly overviews for guidance on how to incorporate
yesterday’s looks into today’s looks.
Milestone One: Garment Introduction
In Task 3-2, you will submit one paragraph describing one item of clothing throughout fashion history. You will trace the development of this item. Explain why
you chose this particular garment. Examples: dresses, pants, skirts, suits. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.
Milestone Two: First Appearance
In Task 4-2, you will submit one paragraph describing when the garment you are tracing first appeared. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment
looked. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.
Milestone Three: Present Day
In Task 6-1, you will submit one paragraph describing what the garment you chose looks like now. Provide photos or illustrations of how this garment looks
today. This assignment will be graded with the Milestone Rubric.
Final Project: Submission
In Task 7-2, you will submit two paragraphs describing how the garment you chose to trace has developed throughout time. Provide photos or illustrations of
this progression. Discuss how the garment may appear in 20 years. Submit the complete final project with all project components as one document. You will also
submit a copy of your project to the 8-2 Discussion Topic for sharing and discussion.
This assignment will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.
Visual Examples to View:
Evolution of Chinese Clothing
Bathing Suits Over Time
Presentations Guidelines for PowerPoints and Prezis
Principles of an Effective Presentation:
 You may utilize a product such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint, Google Presentation, or Prezi to create your presentations.
 There are various template designs that you can find on the web for your presentation. Consider your presentation from the perspective of your
audience prior to selecting a specific style.
o Follow the 10/20/30 rule.
 10 slides in the presentation
 20 minutes maximum
 30-pt font size at a minimum
 Each slide should include your key point(s). Do not place large blocks of text on the visual. Your presentation is not a means of presenting a short paper.
In an actual presentation you would not “read” from your slides but rather use them as prompts, you include voice.
 Any notes or narration you would use in delivering this presentation to a group should be listed in the “notes” section of the slide.
 References should be listed at the bottom of the slide in slightly smaller text.
 Use clip art, AutoShapes, pictures, charts, tables, and diagrams to enhance but not overwhelm your content.
 Be mindful of the intended audience and seek to assess the presentation’s effectiveness by gauging audience comprehension (when possible).
Below are some links that offer helpful tips and examples for developing your presentations:
Making PowerPoint Slides
PowerPoint Presentation Tips
Really Bad PowerPoint and How to Avoid it
Prezi Tutorial
Final Project Rubric
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Comprehension and
Main Components of
the Project
Properly chose a garment
and traced its development,
incorporating all four
components of the final
project: five paragraphs
and at least four images
Properly chose a garment
and traced its development,
incorporating at least three
components of the final
project: three paragraphs
and at least three images
Properly chose a garment
and traced its development,
incorporating at least two
components of the final
project: two paragraphs
and at least two images
Properly chose a garment
but does not incorporate
any of the required
components of the final
Visual Appeal There is a consistent visual
theme that helps enhance
understanding of the ideas;
includes four types of
visuals (photographs or
Original images are created
using proper size and
resolution that enhance the
content; includes more than
two types of visuals
(photographs or
Visually depicts topic and
assists audience; images are
proper size and resolution
Graphics and visuals are
unrelated to content and
cross over each other.
Distracting, busy, and
detract from presentation
Mechanics in
Writing Portion
No errors related to
organization, grammar, and
Errors of grammar,
organization, and style are
marginal and rarely
interrupt the flow
Errors of grammar,
organization, and style are
limited enough that the
written elements are
Multiple errors of grammar,
organization, and style
make the written elements
difficult to understand
Integration and
All of the course concepts
are correctly applied
Most of the course concepts
are correctly applied
Some of the course
concepts are correctly
Does not correctly apply
any of the course concepts
APA Style Citation All sources (information and
graphics) are accurately
documented in APA format
All sources (information and
graphics) are accurately
documented, but many are
not in APA format
Some sources are not
accurately documented in
APA format
Sources are NOT accurately
documented in APA format
Earned Total 100%

Business & Finance homework help

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