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Worldview Research Paper Instructions
In this assignment the student will define a worldview, identify different types of worldviews and differentiate a Christian worldview from a non-Christian worldview.
Short discussion on what a Worldview is:
Funk, K (2001). What is a Worldview?
In writing this 8-10 pg. paper you will:

  1. Define a worldview.
  2. Identify different types of worldviews.
  3. Differentiate a Christian worldview from a non-Christian Worldview
  4. Explain your worldview and how it affects your approach to international relations

Paper Format and Other Requirements: Materials submitted to fulfill requirements in one course may not be submitted in another course. Concerns about the propriety of obtaining outside assistance and acknowledging sources should be addressed to the instructor of the course before the work commences and as necessary as the work proceeds.

  • This paper must include at least 8 references.
  • In-text citations are required to support your points, statements, issues, arguments, concerns, and opinions.
  • The cover page needs to include this statement: By submitting this assignment, I attest this submission represents my own work, and not that of another student, scholar, or internet source. I understand I am responsible for knowing and correctly utilizing referencing and bibliographical guidelines.
  • The required cover page abstract and the reference pages are not included in the required assignment page length/word count, but are required as part of your paper.(ABSTRACT NOT NEEDED)
  • The APA required introduction, conclusion sections and subject headings are expected.
  • The introduction and conclusion sections should not be longer than ½ page each unless the paper is at least 2500 words long not including cover page, abstract page, table of contents page and reference page.
  • Sources of information from Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedia will not be accepted.
  • Citations should accompany each written assignment thesis statement, paragraph topic sentences, and supporting statements of fact and opinion.
  • Paragraph lengths: Each paragraph should have a topic sentence unless it continues from, or provides support to the prior paragraph. A paragraph is defined in this course as being at least 4 sentences in length.
  • Similarity scores must not exceed 20%.
  • Main subject headings besides the abstract, introduction, conclusion, and reference headings should restate each assignment question as a short-paraphrased statement.
  • Avoid clichés, slang, jargon, exaggerations, abbreviations, figurative language, and language that is too informal and too subjective.
  • Biblical based topical analysis and biblical integration needs to be specific to the subject with a depth that is greater than a general Christian worldview.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

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