
(c) Suppose that SSTo = 2520 (this value was not given in the paper). What is the value of se? (Give the answer to two decimal places.) 



sing this information attached:

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your correlation and bivariate regression results for each research question. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.



The paper portion of this assignment isnt due just the power point portion of it. I let it in there so you can get a feel for what needs to be in the power point. Please keep the slides to brief statements and back those statments up with strong speaker notes. I will need stong speaker notes. Please contact me with any further questions. 

Collect the team members’ Week 5 individual Inferential Statistics and Findings assignment papers and spreadsheets.

Review each team member’s inferential statistics and findings, incorporating the best elements into one team inferential statistics and findings paper and spreadsheet.

  • Note the strengths and weaknesses
  • Where there are differences, collaborate with your team to find the best approach.

Complete the cumulative Business Research Project by combining all parts into a 2,450- to 2,800- word paper that is between by collaborating with your team to include the following:

  • Revised tables or figures based on prior instructor feedback
  • Description or interpretation of the tables or figures
  • Summary of the results of testing the null hypothesis, with a clear statement whether or not the null hypothesis was rejected
  • Answers to the research questions
  • Conclusions that were derived from this study
  • An inconclusive result is acceptable for this project.  Should that be the case, suggest potential future research efforts and a new research questions that might provide more definitive results.
  • Recommendations based on the results
  • Observations (reflection) on the business problem and its solution
  • Research challenges your team experienced in this study
  • Steps to minimize challenges in future research
  • Suggested future research based on your research results, challenges, and implications

Format your Business Research Report consistent with APA guidelines.

Develop a 12- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes the following elements:

  • Overall picture of the research process
  • Summary of the research results including specific answers to the research question
  • Summary of the challenges, implications, and recommendation


Part 1: Sampling Design

Write a 350- to 700-word paper usingthe scenario and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment, in which the goal is to submit a random sampling plan in such detail that another researcher could replicate the method.

I want to use the example of whjen people will ugrade thier phones. You can make up the population size and so forth. This paper will be used later to build a bigger more in depth presentation. Keep that in mind.  If you have any questions please contact me. 

Discuss the following: 

  • Population and size
  • The target population and brief reasoning
  • Sampling element which may be conducted through any of the following: 
    • Data mining
    • Survey (If a survey is chosen, create a 5-10 question document), or
    • Observation 
  • The sample size
  • Method of random sampling which may include: 
    • Simple
    • Stratified
    • Systematic
    • Cluster

Calculate the sample size for the mean or sample or sample size for the proportion, using a 95% confidence level, estimated population standard deviation or estimate of the true population proportion, and a 5% margin of error. Place the calculation in the Appendix.

Discuss how validity and reliability will be achieved.

If applicable, explain how human subjects will be protected.

Part 2: Data Collection

Explain how the data will be physically collected.

Explain where data will be stored and how it will be protected.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.



Again refer to the other assingments to complete this assignemnt. 

Create an inferential statistics (hypothesis) test usingthe research question and two variables your learning team developed for the Week 2 Business Research Project Part 1 assignment. Include:

  • The research question
  • Mock data for the independent and dependent variables

Determine the appropriate statistical tool to test the hypothesis based on the research question.

Conduct a hypothesis test with a 95% confidence level, using the statistical tool.

Write an interpretation of no more than 350-words of the results and provide your findings.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit both the spreadsheet and the paper to the Assignment Files tab.



A certain statistics instructor participates in triathlons. The accompanying table lists times (in minutes and seconds) he recorded while riding a bicycle for five laps through each mile of a 3-mile loop. Use a


significance level to test the claim that it takes the same time to ride each of the miles. Does one of the miles appear to have a hill?

Mile 1







Mile 2







Mile 3







(Note: when pasting the data into your technology, each mile row will have separate columns for each minute and second entry. You will need to convert each minute/second entry into seconds only.)

Determine the null and alternative hypotheses.





 You need to come up with a question that can be answered by collecting data and analyzing it.  Something like “When I buy a bag of Starbursts candy am I likely to get an equal number of each color?”  You would then buy Starbursts and figure out the proportion of each color.  You would then run a Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit to find out if the colors are equally distributed. 

This week for the discussion I would like you to post:

1.  Your question you are trying to answer2.  What kind of data you collected (are collecting)3.  What test you will be running (you may need to look ahead in the book a little to find this answer)




As a financial advisor, you are assigned a new client who is considering investing in one of two stocks, A or B. The table below shows information about the performance of stocks A and B last year.

  1. As a financial advisor, are there factors other than return and risk that should be considered in making this decision?
  2. Based on these factors, what stock would you recommend to the client?
  3. What reasons will you convey to your client to justify your decision in recommending this stock?
  4. How will this recommendation impact the client?

Knowledge of statistics is important foundational knowledge for analyzing data. Equally important is what you can do with that information. An overarching goal of this course is to consider how statistics informs decision making, or data-based decision making. Throughout this course, you will be asked to make decisions and then to consider the impact of those choices. Whether in stock trading, in car sales, or on the production floor, the decisions you make as a business professional should be directly influenced by the data available to you. Careful analysis is the key to data-Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Main Elements II. Integration and Application III. Analysis IV. Critical Thinking Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis of the scenario must be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font.



“Confidence Interval” Please respond to the following:

Note: Online students, please select one of the two subjects to discuss.

Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on confidence interval and its application in business. Select one (1) company or organization which utilized confidence interval technique to measure its performance parameters (e.g., mean, variance, mean differences between two processes, etc.). Give your opinion as to whether or not the utilization of such a technique improves business process for the company or organization that you selected. Justify your response.

Select one (1) project from your working or educational environment in which you would use the confidence interval technique for the process. Next, speculate on one to two (1-2) challenges of utilizing such a technique in the process and suggest your strategy to mitigate the challenges in question.



Please help me solve the questions and provide me solutions on how to solve them. I have attached the queestions in the word doc. 



For the first part of project 1 you will need to do the following:

  1. Download the file SP500.xlsx
  2. Open the SP500.xlsx Excel file.
  3. Save the Sp500.xlsx file as a comma separated variable (.csv) file. (Use Save As not the Save command)
  4. Close the SP500.csv
  5. Open the SP500.csv file and save it as an Excel file (.xlsx) using the name “LastNameFirstNameProject.xlsx” where you use your first and last name as part of the file name. The SP500.xlsx uses a random random number generator. Saving the file as a comma separated file will convert the random numbers into fixed numbers that will not change as you use the file.
  6. You are going to use 36 randomly chosen stocks from the Standard and Poors stock index.
  7. Go to and look up the annual Diluted Normalized Earnings per share for 2015 and 2016.
    • Search on the ticker for each company in your list.
    • Click on the Financials link.
    • Switch from Quarterly Data to Annual Data.
    • The bottom line on the financials sheet should list the Diluted Normalized Earnings per share.
  8. Using the dataset, use Excel with MegaStat to compute appropriate descriptive statistics and create graphs for the EPS 2015 and EPS 2016 data sets. Save the file as an Excel spreadsheet. Paste your descriptive results and graphs into a Word file (LastNameFirstNameProject.docx). Without using statistical jargon describe the EPS data set for the years 2015 and 2016 separately. The descriptions should be placed in to your Word file. Do not quote me the mean, standard deviation, and quartiles. But use everyday English language to describe each sample. Tell me how the earnings per share are similar, if they are. Tell me how the earnings per share differ. Since you are forbidden to use jargon, I suggest you use language that your parents or grand parents might understand.
  9. Perform a formal statistical analysis in Excel using MegaStat to determine if the Earning per share increase from 2015 to 2016. Save your results to the Excel file. Paste the results into your Word file. Describe in plain English the results of your Statistical Analysis. On the basis of your analysis, was it a good year for Large Cap companies?


  • 25 points for looking up the for the data and entering it in to Excel.
  • 25 points for describing the data without using Jargon.
  • 25 points for conducting the appropriate statistical analysis using MegaStat.
  • 25 points for describing the analysis appropriately using no statistical jargon.


Confidence Intervals” (Note: Please respond to one [1] of the following two [2] bulleted items)

  • The vast majority of the world uses a 95% confidence in building confidence intervals.  Give your opinion on why 95% confidence is so commonplace. Justify your response.
  • Construct a hypothetical 95% confidence interval for a hypothetical case of your choosing. Use your own unique choice of mean, standard deviation, and sample size to calculate the confidence interval. Select one (1) option provided below and analyze what will happen to your confidence interval based on the option you selected:
    • The confidence changes to 90%.
    • The confidence changes to 99%.
    • The sample size is cut in half.
    • The sample size is doubled.
    • The sample size is tripled.

          Provide a rationale for your response.



Questions and data are avilable on the spread sheet. I request help to complete the assignment on the spread sheet with the description of how the answers obtained. I need help to complete week 2 portion 6 questions. Data are available in the same spread sheet data section and the other work sheet named Randomized.



This week you will begin working on Phase 2 of your course project. Using the same data set and variables for your selected topic, add the following information to your analysis:

  1. Discuss the importance of constructing confidence intervals for the population mean.
    • What are confidence intervals?
    • What is a point estimate?
    • What is the best point estimate for the population mean? Explain.
    • Why do we need confidence intervals?
  2. Find the best point estimate of the population mean.
  3. Construct two confidence intervals for the population mean: a 95% confidence interval and a 99% confidence interval. Assume that your data is normally distributed and the population standard deviation is unknown.
    • Please show your work for the construction of these confidence intervals and be sure to format your equations to fit the appropriate form (may need editing here).
  4. Write a paragraph that correctly interprets the confidence intervals in context of your selected topic.
  5. Compare and contrast your findings for the 95% and 99% confidence intervals.
    • Did you notice any changes in your interval estimate? Explain.
    • What conclusion(s) can be drawn about your interval estimates when the confidence level is increased? Explain.


2. For a data set obtained from a random sample, n = 81 and x = 48.25. It is known

        that σ = 4.8.

  1. What is the point estimate of μ? Round to two decimal places
  2. Make a 95% confidence interval for μ. What is the lower limit? Round to two decimal places.
  3. Make a 95% confidence interval for μ. What is the upper limit? Round to two decimal places.
  4. What is the margin of error of estimate for part b? Round to two decimal places.

3. Determine the sample size (nfor the estimate of μ for the following.

  1. E = 2.3,  σ = 15.40, confidence level = 99%. Round to the nearest whole number.
  2. E = 4.1,  σ = 23.45, confidence level = 95%. Round to the nearest whole number.
  3. E = 25.9,  σ = 122.25, confidence level = 90%. Round to the nearest whole number.

4. True or False.

a.The null hypothesis is a claim about a population parameter that is assumed to be false until it is declared false.

A.    True

B.    False

b. An alternative hypothesis is a claim about a population parameter that will be true if the null hypothesis is false.

A.    True

B.    False

c. The critical point(s) divide(s) is some of the area under a distribution curve into rejection and nonrejection regions.

A.    True

B.    False

d. The significance level, denoted by α, is the probability of making a Type II error, that is, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

A.    True

B.    False

e. The nonrejection region is the area to the right or left of the critical point where the null hypothesis is not rejected.

A.    True

B.    False

5. You are given the null hypothesis. Select the correct alternative hypothesis.

a)     H0:μ=9.5hours, what is H1?

A.    left-tailed test

B.    right-tailed test

C.    two-tail test

b)      H0:μ =$105, what is H1?

A.    left-tailed test

B.    right-tailed test

C.      two-tail test

c)     H0:μ=$47,000,what is H1?

A.left-tailed test

B.  right-tailed test

C.  two-tail test

d)    H0:μ=10minutes, what is H1?

A.    left-tailed test

B.    right-tailed test

C.    two-tail test

e)     H0:μ=30hours, what is H1?

A.    left-tailed test

B.     right-tailed test

C.     two-tail test

7. Consider H0: μ = 45 versus H1: μ < 45. A random sample of 25 observations produced a sample mean of 41.8. Using α = .025 and the population is known to be normally distributed with σ = 6.

  1. What is the value of z? Round to two decimal places.
  2. Would you reject the null hypothesis?
    1. Reject Ho
    2. Do not reject Ho

8. The following information is obtained from two independent samples selected from two normally distributed populations.

n1 = 18            x1 = 7.82         σ1 = 2.35

n2 =15             x2 =5.99          σ2 =3.17

A. What is the point estimate of μ1 − μ2? Round to two decimal places.

B. Construct a 99% confidence interval for μ1 − μ2. Find the margin of error for this estimate.  

     Round to two decimal places.

9. The following information is obtained from two independent samples selected from two  


n1 =650           x1 =1.05          σ1 =5.22

n2 =675           x2 =1.54         σ2 =6.80

Test at a 5% significance level if μ1 is less than μ2.

a)  Identify the appropriate distribution to use.

  1. t distribution
  2. normal distribution

b)  What is the conclusion about the hypothesis?

A.    Reject Ho

B.    Do not reject Ho

10. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other sources, estimated that considering only the households with credit card debts, the average credit card debt for U.S. house- holds was $15,523 in 2014 and $15,242 in 2013. Suppose that these estimates were based on random samples of 600 households with credit card debts in 2014 and 700 households with credit card debts in 2013. Suppose that the sample standard deviations for these two samples were $3870 and $3764, respectively. Assume that the standard deviations for the two populations are unknown but equal.

a)     Let μ1 and μ2 be the average credit card debts for all such households for the years 2014 and 2013, respectively. What is the point estimate of μ1 − μ2? Round to two decimal places. Do not include the dollar sign.

b)    Construct a 98% confidence interval for μ1 − μ2. Round to two decimal places. Do not include the dollar sign.

    1. What is the lower bound? Round to two decimal places.
    2. What is the upper bound? Round to two decimal places.

c)     Using a 1% significance level, can you conclude that the average credit card debt for such households was higher in 2014 than in 2013? Use both the p-value and the critical-value approaches to make this test.

A.    Reject Ho

B.    Do not reject Ho



D13: Describe discrete and continuous data. What type of data can be classified as either discrete or continuous? Give an example of each. How do the graphs of discrete data differ from the graphs of continuous data? Why?



An academic department with five faculty members—Anderson, Box, Cox, Cramer, and Fisher—must select two of its members to serve on a personnel review committee. Because the work will be time-consuming, no one is anxious to serve, so it is decided that the representative will be selected …



A state end-of-grade exam in American History is a multiple-choice test that has 50 questions with 4 answer choices for each question. A student must get at least 25 correct to pass the test, and the questions are very difficult.
Question 1. If a student guesses on every question, what is the probabi…



Participants in a survey were asked whether they favored or opposed the death penalty for people convicted of murder. Software shows the results below.
X N Sample p 95.0% CI
1764 2565 ? (0.670, 0.706)

Here, X refers to the number of the respondents who were in favor.

(a) Show how to obtain the value tha…



A newspaper article reported that people spend a mean of 7 hours per day watching TV, with a standard deviation of 1.9 hours. A psychologist would like to conduct interviews with the 20% of the population who spend the most time watching TV. She assumes that the daily time people spend watching TV i…



The stimulant Ritialin has been shown to increase attention span and improve academic performance in children with ADHA, to demontrate the effectiveness of the drug a researcher selects a sample of n=25 children diagnosed with the disorder and measures each child’s attention span before and afte…



There are two traffic lights on a commuter’s route to and from work. Let X1 be the number of lights at which the commuter must stop on his way to work, and X2 be the number of lights at which he must stop when returning from work. Suppose that these two variables are independent, each with the pmf g…



You are running a gambling casino and are thinking about introducing a new game of chance: flip a coin, then roll a die, then draw a card from a standard deck. If a player gets a head (H), then rolls a six (6), then draws the ace of spades he/she wins $20,000. To the nearest dollar, how much would y…



The average waiting time per customer at a fast food restaurant has been 7.5 minutes. The customer waiting time has a normal distribution. The manager claims that the use of a new cashier system will decrease the average customer waiting time in the store. Based on a random sample of 16 customer tra…



According to the Unites States Census Bureau, 16.3% of Americans did not have health insurance coverage in 1998. A politician claims that this percentage has decreased since 1998. To test this claim at the 10% level of significance, the politician samples 1000 Americans and finds that 148 did not he…



Provide an appropriate response.

Data sets A and B are dependent. Find d

a- 12 10 29 25 13
b- 10 6 7 17 4







If other factors are held constant, which of the following sets of data would produce the largest value for an independent-measures t statistic?
a. The two samples both have n = 15 with sample variances of 20 and 25.
b. The two samples both have n = 30 with variances of 120 and 125.
c. The two sa…



in testing the hypothesis HO=u=100 vs. Ha:equals sign cross out 100. If the value of the test statistic is equal to 1.36, then the p-value is:




7. A psychologist has developed a set of activities which she hopes will help children develop better reading skills. In a study of the effectiveness of these activities, one class of second grade children learns with the activities. Another class of second grade children serves as the control and l…



A manufacturer of copper pipes must produce pipes with a diameter of precisely 5 inches. The firm’s quality inspector wants to test the hypothesis that pipes of the proper size are being produced. Accordingly, a simple random sample of 100 pipes is taken from the production process. The sample…



A sample of charge accounts at a local drug store revealed the following frequency distribution of unpaid balances:
$10-$29 frequency(5)
$30-$49 frequency(10)
$50-$69 frequency(6)
$70-$89 frequency(9)
$90-$109 frequency(20)

What is the mean unpaid balance (2 decimals), standard deviation (2…



A recent study conducted by the state government attempts to determine whether the voting public supports further increase in cigarette taxes. The opinion poll recently sampled 1500 voting age citizens. 1020 of the sampled citizens were in favor of an increase in cigarette taxes. The state governmen…



The shelf life of a carbonated beverage is of interest. Ten bottles are randomly selected and tested and the following results obtained (in days):
108, 124, 124, 106, 115, 138, 163, 159, 134, 139
We would like to demonstrate that the mean shelf life exceeds 120 days. Which of the following is the most…



Roper ASW conducted a survey to learn about American adults’ attitudes toward money and happiness (Money, October 2003). Fifty-six percent of the respondents said they balance their checkbook at least once a month


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