Business & Finance Homework Help

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Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link above.

New Times Roman/APA format please and thank you!

A. Using the two stocks you selected from Homework #1, identify the Beta for each stock. In your own words, what conclusion can you draw from the stocks’ current and historical beta? If the stock market went up 10% today, what would be the impact on each of your stocks?

B. Using the 2014 financial statements from your stocks above and the equations from your textbook, prepare the Historical Average and Standard Deviation for each stock.

Now is this assignment something you can do by Sunday? I used Apple and IBM and can send you my 1st assignment as a reference to make sure the information is a match. Also please let me know what other information you need to complete. If you can provide plagiarism free quality work I will post the home to your attention so we can handshake. The reason for caution is I just paid for this assignment to be done and the teacher turned in poor work and did not answer the question correctly. Now they are saying they don’t have enough information to answer the questions so I want to avoid any confusion. Please do not reply if you are not able to correctly answer question.

I need the questions answered as they have been provided. Please list the question and below provide your answer.


A. Using the two stocks you selected from Homework #1, identify the Beta for each stock. In your own words, what conclusion can you draw from the stocks’ current and historical beta? If the stock market went up 10% today, what would be the impact on each of your stocks?


B. Using the 2014 financial statements from your stocks above and the equations from your textbook, prepare the Historical Average and Standard Deviation for each stock.


New Times Roman/APA format please and thank you!