Management homework help

ASSIGNMENT:  To write a review of Chapter 10 from your open textbook.
The essay must follow these guidelines:    
STYLE:  The review must be 4 pages long; typed in 12 point font; double spaced with regular margins on both all sides; and have page numbers.
Do NOT use extra headings and Do NOT use point form. 

  1.    Do not include more than 4 quotes from the textbook chapter.  This is to be your writing!
  2.     You must cite two outside sources in the review.  They can either support or contrast the chapter but be sure to also provide your own thoughts.
  3.     Be sure to cite in the review using APA format which means you include the page number in parentheses, e.g. (Thill, p. 36) in the body of your paper/essay.

You can include the following (this is an outline for you to follow):

  1.   In a chapter review, your essay is critiquing the work done by the author(s).  Tell me if you think this body of work would be helpful, as example to you for further academic study or others studying business communication.
  2.    You could include an introduction to summarize the topic of the chapter and tell me how it relates to this course.  Also state the authors’ primary point/conclusions in the chapter.
  3.    Main points:  Explain three or four major points and tell how the authors support each point – what evidence, sources, etc.  You can write separate paragraphs for each main point but remember basically the review is still another type of essay.
  4.   Your Personal Evaluation:  What was most interesting?  What did you learn? Was the chapter well written?  What did the chapter not cover and perhaps should have included?  Is it relevant in today’s world – etc.  You may have your own ideas!
  5.   Conclusion:  Did the authors accomplish their goal?  Would you recommend this Chapter?
