Nursing homework help

I need the following abstract to be edited
This is the Initial Abstract Submission
Topic: Improving Medication Adherence in Diabetic Patients in Home Health Care Settings
Poor medical adherence for patient living with diabetes while undergoing home-based care has been identified as one of the health issues that should be looked into. The improper adherence leads to poor health outcomes which consequentially affects the general health quality. Home based care brings a lot of advantages to patients suffering from diabetes who would otherwise have been institutionalized. However, the biggest challenge it faces is lack of medical adherence by the patient. This brings about the need for follow-ups by medical practitioners. Since the innovation and advancement of Electronic Health Record, it has been easy for medical practitioner to monitor the progress of their patients. Nonadherence to medication could lead to failure of the treatment as well as developing body resistance to the drugs. It is essential that an investigation be made von the factors that leads to non-adherence on medication by diabetic patients who are at home-based health care, (Zullig, et al, 2017).
Zullig, L. L., Ramos, K., & Bosworth, H. B. (2017). Improving medication adherence in coronary heart disease. Current Cardiology Reports19(11), 113.
Professor’s Comments:
Thank you for your submission. Please be sure to review the DPI template in the abstract section for more guidance. You cannot have references in the abstract section so make sure you do not include any information that requires references. Please see below some editing to your abstract….you still need editing but this give you a starting point and remember to include your framework/model
Patients living with diabetes and are undergoing home-based care often have multiple medications and multiple health conditions that increase their self-care complexity. One of the resulting complications from this self-care complexity is poor medical adherence which can lead to poor health outcomes including diabetes complications as well as an increase in the morbidity and mortality. Patients receiving home-based care have access to skilled nursing services. These skills nursing services can offer disease specific education on diabetes as well as personalized medication adherence education as a way of improving medication adherence. The purpose of this quantitative pre and post test project was to ………..

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