Economics homework help

Regression Project
Problem Section (20 points)
Topic selection is VERY important! What problem are you trying to answer? Why is it important? Develop the problem with some background. You may want to answer the following questions in this section in order to develop the problem. Why would you want to know about you Y? Why do you want to know about your X’s vs. Y? In other words, why is this impact of X on Y useful information? What important problem does it solve to know thus information? Of what use will the results be? Explain why or how you chose the X variables that you included in the regression. Explain why you think they may be important explanatory variables in the regression.
Describe the sample (20 points)
Mention how you got the sample (if you did a survey, be sure to include this in the appendix) and describe the variables included in the model. Provide some summary statistics.
State the regression equation (10 points) 

  • Interpret the results of the ANOVA F Statistic (Useful Regression?)
  • Interpret the adjusted R squared

Results (80 points)
Interpret the results of each beta. Write 2-3 sentences about each variable. One sentence explain what you expected, another sentence stating the results that you found (the formal interpretation), and then a third explaining WHY you think you got this result. Also, provide information on any min/max if they apply. This should be written in paragraph form.

  • Is the result counter intuitive – tell the audience about what you think here
  • Don’t forget that insignificant coefficients give you a lot of information, too. The fact that a variable does not explain variation is useful!
  • Notice I did not say to test the Betas, that was done implicitly with the stars ( and these tests with their results are put in the appendix.)

Summary / Conclusions (40 points)
Implications must be included. If you wrote a good problem statement this follows directly from the problem statement. Implications state therefore we should…Use the information contained in the regression. Why is it useful and to whom?
Shortcomings of the analysis (20 points)
Look at your =sample and say why it may not be representative of your target population. Also, include any other factors you might have left out which could affect adversely the regression results. If you were unable to correct some of the regression assumptions, mention that here.
Grammar (10 points)
These are all or nothing. PLEASE PROOF READ YOUR PAPER!
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Regression ProjectRegression ProjectCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblemTopic selection is VERY important! What problem are you trying to answer? Why is it important? Develop the problem with some background. You may want to answer the following questions in this section in order to develop the problem. Why would you want to know about you Y? Why do you want to know about your X’s vs. Y? In other words, why is this impact of X on Y useful information? What important problem does it solve to know thus information? Of what use will the results be? Explain why or how you chose the X variables that you included in the regression. Explain why you think they may be important explanatory variables in the regression.20.0 ptsFull MarksYou thoroughly discussed the problem at hand and why you are conducting the regression analysis. You also explained why you are using the variables you are using.15.0 ptsPartial MarksYou discussed the problem at hand and why you are conducting the regression analysis. You also explained why you are using the variables you are using. There could have been some more details and/or discussion regarding the problem or variables.10.0 ptsPartial MarksThere was no discussion on the problem or the reasoning on why you used the variables that you used.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribe the sampleMention how you got the sample (if you did a survey, be sure to include this in the appendix) and describe the variables included in the model. Provide some summary statistics.20.0 to >15.0 ptsFull MarksThere was a thorough description of the sample data provided.15.0 to >10.0 ptsPartial MarksThere was a decent description of the data provided.10.0 to >0.0 ptsPartial MarksIt was hard to understand the sample data that you used.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeState the regression equationInterpret the results of the ANOVA F Statistic (Useful Regression?)
Interpret the adjusted R squared10.0 ptsFull MarksThe Regression equation was written correctly along with proper interpretation of the F statistic and R-squared value.7.0 ptsPartial MarksThe Regression equation was written along with pan interpretation of the F statistic and R-squared value.3.0 ptsPartial MarksThe Regression equation was and/or the F statistic and R-squared value interpretation was missing.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResultsInterpret the results of each beta. Write 2-3 sentences about each variable. One sentence explain what you expected, another sentence stating the results that you found (the formal interpretation), and then a third explaining WHY you think you got this result. Also, provide information on any min/max if they apply. This should be written in paragraph form.
Is the result counter intuitive – tell the audience about what you think here
Don’t forget that insignificant coefficients give you a lot of information, too. The fact that a variable does not explain variation is useful!
Notice I did not say to test the Betas, that was done implicitly with the stars ( and these tests with their results are put in the appendix.)80.0 ptsFull MarksEach variable was explained thoroughly with an interpretation, explanation and statistical significance clearly stated.70.0 ptsPartial MarksEach variable was explained with an interpretation, explanation and statistical significance stated.40.0 ptsPartial MarksSome variables were not explained and/or the interpretation or statistical significance was missing.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.80.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary / ConclusionsImplications must be included. If you wrote a good problem statement this follows directly from the problem statement. Implications state therefore we should…Use the information contained in the regression. Why is it useful and to whom?40.0 ptsFull MarksThe regression analysis was summarized pointing to the findings from the research. The problem section was also mentioned. Future possible studies were also mentioned and discussed.30.0 ptsPartial MarksThe regression analysis was summarized pointing to the findings from the research.20.0 ptsPartial MarksThe summary section was very weak and did not provide a great conclusion to the study.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeShortcomings of the analysisLook at your =sample and say why it may not be representative of your target population. Also, include any other factors you might have left out which could affect adversely the regression results. If you were unable to correct some of the regression assumptions, mention that here.20.0 ptsFull MarksEach of the three assumptions to linear regression were mentioned and potential violations were discussed while also providing potential solutions.15.0 ptsPartial MarksSome of the three assumptions to linear regression were mentioned and potential violations were discussed while also providing potential solutions.10.0 ptsPartial MarksSome of the three assumptions to linear regression were mentioned.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammarThese are all or nothing. PLEASE PROOF READ YOUR PAPER!10.0 ptsFull MarksThere were no grammar issues in the paper.7.0 ptsPartial MarksThere were very few grammar issues in the paper.3.0 ptsPartial MarksThere were grammar issues in the paper.0.0 ptsNo MarksNo Paper.10.0 pts
Total Points: 200.0PreviousNext