Accounting homework help

Taking Test – conquer your test anxiety
Instruction: This assignment is consisted of 2 section. Depending on your answer to Section A, you may need to complete either Section B1 or Section B2.
Section A.
Read the statements below and identify the ones that are true for you.
True ____  False _____ 1. I do not sleep well the night before a test.
True ____  False _____ 2. I am always afraid that I will run out of time.
True ____  False _____ 3.I get sick if I eat anything before a test.
True ____  False _____ 4. I check the time constantly; noises bother me.
True ____  False _____ 5. I am irritable and hard to be around before a test.
True ____  False _____ 6. I get easily frustrated during the test.
True ____  False _____ 7. I see the test as a measure of my worth as a student.
True ____  False _____ 8. I have a negative attitude about testing.
True ____  False _____ 9. I blank out during the test and can’t recall information.
True ____  False _____ 10. I think about not taking the test.
True ____  False _____ 11. I worry when others are still testing and I am finished.
True ____  False _____ 12. I always average my grades before the test.
True ____  False _____ 13. I worry when others finish and I am still testing.
True ____  False _____ 14. My body sweats, heart pounds; feel nauseous.

  • If you identify with *less than five (5)*of these statements, you probably do not suffer from test anxiety. You may just need to focus on being more prepared and implementing effective study strategies. – Please complete Section B1.
  • If you identify with *more than five (5)*of these statements, you may suffer from mild to moderate test anxiety. You may want to focus on implementing effective study strategies as well as ways to manage test anxiety. – Please complete Section B2.
  • If you identify with *ten (10) or more*of these statements, you may suffer from severe test anxiety. Test anxiety is likely affecting your performance. You may want to focus on ways to manage test anxiety. Please complete Section B2.

Section B1. Please watch the video Multiple-Choice Mayhem Video Transcript, and write an outline of the tips of how to do multiple –choice questions:
Please out your outline below (you outline should contain at least 50 words):

Section B2. Please watch the video Test Anxiety: Crash Course Study Skills and write an outline of the tips of how to deal with test anxiety
Please out your outline below (you outline should contain at least 50words)

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