Algebra homework help

Algebra homework help. MMG 517: Final Project Guidelines
You will complete a Project in this course that involves developing a Research and Resources Plan for Business Development in your current business, or a fictitious business.
This plan can be used towards a Capstone project, business plan, or other undertaking that relies on creating an effective research proposal and conducting quality and ethical research.
For this project, you will identify an area you would like to develop a research and resource plan and conduct research to support decisions as part of an overall business development plan.
You may consider categories such as :

  1. Implementing a new process : on Safety for construction industry
  2. Introducing a new brand or service
  3. Learning more of your customers or competitors
  4. Development of a new product
  5. Introducing new packaging or distribution methods



Here are some tips and ideas to help you in formulate your Final Project:

  • Go through the question hierarchy to develop your research question
  • Ensure you research question is measurable
  • Consider you data collection method
  • Determine what your measurement technique would be
  • Consider:
    • What are the ethical issues associated with the research?
    • How will you gain access to your participants if using any?
    • How will you present your findings?
  • Be cautious of personal bias in your research



Here are some standards for the paper:

  1. Length: 5-8 pages not including your abstract, title, and references. Use at least five (5) scholarly peer reviewed articles outside of the course readings.
  2. Mechanics: well written in terms of use of language, clarity, brevity, mechanics (spelling and grammar); passes the spell check.
  3. Content: You should deal with the ‘what business are we in?’ and ‘How are we doing?’ questions in terms of the business content.
  4. As usual, the paper should follow APA (6th or latest edition) formatting: Times New Roman, 12-point type; double spaced. Header information: Your name; the course title; semester and date; the name of the assignment. This information should go at the top of page 1.


The project submission is broken down into three (3) parts and are due by 11:59 p.m. EST Sundays of the respective module weeks:

  • Module 3: Topic selection and Submission
  • Module 5: First Draft Submission
  • Module 7: Final Submission

Algebra homework help


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