Accuracy and completion of assignment: 0 – 9 points
You will be evaluated on the following items:
1- Was the student able to submit all the requested deliverables in the correct formats? (4Pts)
2- Was the student able to use all the resources to populate their TM? (1pt)
3- Was the student able to use all the resources to populate their TB? (1pt)
4- Was the final translated file layout mirroring the ST? (1pt)
5- Was the translation acceptable?(2pts)
You will be evaluated on the following items:
1- Was the student able to submit all the requested deliverables in the correct formats? (4Pts)
2- Was the student able to use all the resources to populate their TM? (1pt)
3- Was the student able to use all the resources to populate their TB? (1pt)
4- Was the final translated file layout mirroring the ST? (1pt)
5- Was the translation acceptable?(2pts)