Article writing homework help

1  Organization/ Approach to the assignment
Is the spirit (which is to say the directions) of the assignment followed?
Is the bibliography coherently structured, formatted, and organized?
Is it in alphabetical order?
2 Analysis
Is there a geographic approach/idea central to each abstract?
Are geographical concepts and ideas effectively drawn upon in the analysis?
Do the analyzes reflect critical thinking?
3 Writing
Citations made
Is the writing style clear and easy to follow?
Is the writing style appropriate to the assignment (i.e. not too familiar)
(14 references )
students must write a two-paragraph abstract. Each abstract must include the main points of the reading (first paragraph) and a brief analytical commentary on how the reading relates to world population and food supply (second paragraph). The lengths of each abstract will vary depending on the source being annotated
1-Migration and Migrants: A Global Overview. World Migration Report 2020 (Chapter 2). 2019. Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, International Organization for Migration, pp. 19-51.
2-Moss, Michael. (2013). Prologue: the company jewels. Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us. New York: Random House, pp. xi-xxx
4- Clapp, Jennifer. 2016. The Rise of a Global Industrial Food Market. In Food. Malden, MA: Polity Press, p. 33-56
9-  Peters, Gary, and Robert Larkin. 2005. Excerpt from ‘Theories of Population Change’.
Population Geography, 8this Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, pp. 80-85
10-  Nestle, Marion. 2015. Selling to the Developing World (Chapter 15).  Soda Politics:
Taking on Big Soda (and winning). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 200-210
12-  Widener, Michael J. 2018. Spatial access to food: Retiring the food desert metaphor.
Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 193(B), p. 257-260.
13-  Shiva, Vandana. 2014. Nurturing Nature is No Crime, Resurgence and Ecologist pp. 18-19


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