Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Cyber Threat Analysis Services. Computer and internet users have been met with dire and consequences that have sought to deny them their freedom and sense of en

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Cyber Threat Analysis Services. Computer and internet users have been met with dire and consequences that have sought to deny them their freedom and sense of enjoyment when using various software and computer hardware that link to the internet. The World Wide Web has become a risk ground where individuals can be attacked by malicious programs that may work to ruin important information stored and retained in the individual computer systems. The issues of cyber threats have been very serious and grievous as the risks involved have exposed secrete information of particular organizations to unauthenticated individuals. Attackers of information systems of particular organizations have used the vantage to fell particular organizations or scuttle their normal operations. Government agencies have also faced the forsaken effects of cyber threats as witnessed with exposure of critical government information to unwarranted individuals. The graveness of cyber threats in the contemporary global world necessitated technologists and scientists to research ways by which information systems can be secured from detrimental attackers. Cyber threat analysis is thus one of the techniques investigated to assist in detection, prevention, studying and destruction of internet threats.

As postulated by Janczewski and Colarik (2005), cyber threat analysis basically involves examination, determination and identification of the possible loopholes in the information system of an organization that can expose the particular organization to threats of information distortion. Cyber threat analysis involves numerous steps projected to ensuring the attaining of the best ways of protecting an organization’s information system. Cyber threat analysis begins with the determination of an organization’s total expenditure on particular assets whose information is stored in the computer systems. The analysis also takes into consideration the organizational values including tangible and intangible costs.