Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic The Impact of Tsunami in Indonesia.

Hi, need to submit a 1750 words paper on the topic The Impact of Tsunami in Indonesia. The first impact was felt on fresh water. After tsunami struck in the region, the shortage of water was experienced in some areas of the delta during the dry spell. This was experienced in the village along the coast and the islands where water was found to be in short supply during the dry months. The report on the impact of Tsunami found that the water available was found to be less than 20 liters per day that is the minimum required for proper survival in the area.

The other impact was on health. However, there was no outbreaks of any communicable diseases were reported in those areas affected by Tsunami. Despite this, malaria is endemic in Myanmar.Additionally, waterborne diseases such as diarrhea are experienced in this area in times of disasters. The other impact was on education. In all the four villages assessed, there was a damage of the school building by Tsunami. This was evident in Aung Hlaing where damages prompted relocation to higher grounds. In all the four villages, school supplies of children were washed away together with their houses. On the agricultural sector, there was minimal damage. This damage only took place on a small watermelon field in Khar Phyat Thaung.The other apparent damage was on some homestead vegetable gardens damaged by seawater. The rest of the agriculture fields were spared. This is because the seawater did not reach the inland to be able to eliminate the agricultural field or crops. This was also the case in Ngaputaw, Kyauk Phyu and Kawthaung Townships.

Due to the effects above there were initiatives taken place to secure the situation.&nbsp.