Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on What are the curent demographics of the neighborhood Northwood in Baltimore. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on What are the curent demographics of the neighborhood Northwood in Baltimore. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. e essay is divided into different sections beginning with the demography of the area and later key characteristics of Northwood in comparison with the other 54 CSAs. Later in the essay, we will learn on the improvement of Northwood and the negative characteristics that need to be improved for the benefit of the Northwood occupants and the image of this area.

Northwood holds a population of 16,643 of 620,961 of the entire Baltimore City population. It is among the top ten most populated areas and just as the other CSAs its population is composed of more females than males where about 56% of the population is female and 44% are male. Baltimore at large is composed of different races and this is similar to Northwood as the area is occupied by 88.6% African-American, 7.2% white, 0.6% Asians, 1.5% people of two or more races and 0.4% other races. The African-American ratio to its population is much higher than the entire population ratio of Baltimore, which is 63.8%. The whites occupying Northwood is below the ratio of whites in Baltimore by 21.1% showing that other CSAs have more whites than Northwood (Renner, Ayodeji and Starke, 27).

Baltimore is known for its ethnicity and diversity and this is not different from Northwood as it has a race diversity index of 22.5 compared to 54.5 of the entire neighborhood. 44.3% of the entire Northwood population are people between the age of 25-64 years whereas the population has the fewest number of people between 0-5 years this is similar to the population composition of most CSAs thus it is true to note that majority of the population in Baltimore is within the age of 25-64 years. According to vital signs 12, most of the households in Baltimore are headed by women due to the high rate of divorces in the area. This is not different in Northwood as women head about 55.4% of the households, which is very close to the 54.9% in the entire neighborhood (Renner, Ayodeji and Starke, 29).