Article Writing Homework Help

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Digital Literacies. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Digital Literacies. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Claim:&nbsp. All children should be introduced into technology as early as in lower learning levels as against delaying the introduction to later years in development.

Major premise: All humans deserve a good foundation in digital technology in modernity

Minor premise: Tender children can be given digital technology knowhow

Conclusion: Children (even the tender ones) are equally human beings, and they all require digital technology knowledge in the modern generation.

In a flipped class setup, the typical learning content cycle is averted in acquisition as well as in application, and this enables the student to gain appropriate knowledge way before a teacher brings it to class and the role of the instructor is more in guiding interactions and clarifications of such information gained within the class setup. The main point of disparity between the past formal class setup and the flipped dimension of teaching is that while the past embraced the direct teacher teaching the students, his role changes greatly in the then flipped system to have more of a teacher’s role is in guiding the application of knowledge to the students. Before the class, the tutor has to prepare the learning opportunities against lectures, which enables the students to have a guided approach to learning. This also aids the lecturer to attend to the most crucial areas the students focus more on questions in learning. The students can practice on skill being learnt in class with assistance of the lecturer through mini-lectures and feedback as appropriate. Instead of homework, students continually practice learned skills with periodic grading and feedbacks from then guide lecturer, and as such, students are equipped for seeking any assistance as necessary from the guide. Even after class, the lecturers are shown to observe willingness to guide the learners for improved understanding of class concepts. In this line of reason, Talbert (para 1-7) posts concerning the misplaced perception that students themselves are the issues to be dealt with in efforts to make flipped learning experience desirable with the intended outcome. The system in flipped learning is, however, much aware of the usefulness of advancement in technology. In a particular application of mathematical modeling and visual models, real-life daily problems are solved in depth while considering the flipped class setup.

In adopting a flipped class setting, technology is paramount and efficient and effective in targeting the digital generation. The ‘digital natives’ are interpreted as all people whose birth follows after ‘digital technology’ spread. However, critical analysis of the ideology shows that not all kids born after the spread of technology are conversant with technology cannot wholly be referred to as digital natives (Cabanero-Johnson and Zane, 290-297).