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I need some assistance with these assignment. unhygienic food items and their effects Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. unhygienic food items and their effects Thank you in advance for the help! We have many adverse effects of this unhealthy and unhygienic food. There should be a check and balance on such hotels, bars, junk food outlets and shops which are not taking care of the health of their customers and thus selling unhealthy food items. Heavy fine and charges may compel them to provide healthy and nutritious food to the people (Cornell University n.p).

The minerals present in the healthy and nutritious food items help the body to perform well in the daily routine activities. But now there is a concept of fast food items. This fast food is not that much nutritive as any other healthy food item should be. All the young generation members are very much fond of this fast food. In order to fulfill their requirements, there are a number of fast-food providing hotels and shops. A survey study showed an increase in the number of fast-food hotels in the UK in the past five years. It is not a negative sign that the number of food providing hotels is increasing at a rapid speed but the issue is the quality of food (Mayo Clinic n.p). It has also been witnessed that the quality and the hygiene of these food items is not considered while manufacturing or production.

There can be adverse effects of unhealthy and unhygienic food on the physical fitness of the individuals. These junk foods or commonly called fast foods may lower down the energy level of the human body. The reason for the drop-down energy level is the inadequate presence of food nutrients which are required by the human body for proper functioning. Another dark side of excessive intake of junk food is that it may damage major body organs like heart and liver etc (Mayo Clinic n.p). Most of the research studies support the evidence that too much intake of unhealthy and nutrition-less food create severe problems and many disorders in the human body and thus causing malfunctioning.