Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Post-Disaster Reconstruction Of The Built Environment.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Post-Disaster Reconstruction Of The Built Environment. Countries should make legislation and policies directed towards disaster reduction. At the national and legislative level, HFA encourages the adoption of mechanisms by all sectors to facilitate disaster and risk reduction efforts. Such mechanisms should encourage dialogue that enhances both local and national awareness of the areas of concern in disaster and risk management (Birkmann 49). Countries are also encouraged to integrate risk management along with policies of development such as in poverty reduction and other planning strategies like Millennium Development Goals. HFA enacts decentralization of resources and responsibilities to local organizations and authorities.

In identifying, assessing and monitoring risks of disaster and timely information, HFA prescribes knowledge of the possible hazards and vulnerabilities. At the national level, countries are encouraged to map risks and factor in this information, in policymaking. This should be combined with other systems that will make it easy for policymakers to evaluate the impacts of disasters (United Nations 3). Disaster occurrences are supposed to be documented so as to enable dissemination of statistics to international, national, regional and local agencies. HFA recommends the implementation of efficient warning mechanisms for timely disaster warning. Warning mechanisms adopted should be easily understandable to the affected people and should factor in issues of gender, livelihood, and culture (HFA 117). Effective disaster warning will guide targeted people appropriately and inform disaster response agencies efficiently.

HFA supports education and innovation as essential elements in building a culture of resilience and safety. Among important activities to help achieve this is prioritization of exchange and management of information.