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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses 3g and 4g wireless networks. The 3G and the 4G Networks differ in terms of service and applications, through having the 4G networks applying the Wimax2 and L

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses 3g and 4g wireless networks. The 3G and the 4G Networks differ in terms of service and applications, through having the 4G networks applying the Wimax2 and LTE-Advance service applications, while the 3G applies the EDGE, UMTS, and CDMA 2000 service applications (Zheng, 2010). In this respect, the 4G service applications of Wimax2 and LTE-Advance allow the data and voice communication to be transmitted at 40 MHz and 100 MHz bandwidths respectively (Misra, 2013). On the other hand, the 3G Networks applies the CDMA 2000 which offers up to a maximum of 1.25MHZ bandwidth, EDGE, which is a single bandwidth carrier, and UMTS that offers multiple-frequency bandwidth carrier (Agbinya, 2009).

1.2 Network architecture

The Network architecture of the 3G and the 4G Networks compares in the sense that both apply the Wide Area cellular-based infrastructure, which allows users to access the internet, communicate and access the virtual private networks anywhere within the regions where the cellular-based service is available (Turban& Volonino, 2010).

Nevertheless, the Network architecture of the 3G and the 4G Networks contrasts in that. while the 4G Networks allows for the combination of both the Wide Area cellular-based and the Local Area Network connections, the 3G network architecture is only limited to the Wide Area Cellular-based networking connections (Agbinya, 2009).

1.3 Data throughput

The data throughput for the 3G networks is relatively lower compared to the 4G networks data throughput. The 3G applies a Data Throughput system that allows up to a maximum of 3.1Mbps (Yant, 2012). However, the average data throughput for the 3G networks averages between 0.5 Mbps to 1.5Mbps. On the other hand, the 4G networks data throughput averages between 2 to 12 Mbps, although this form of the mobile communication network has the potential of offering a data throughput of up to between 100Mbps to 300Mbps (Yant, 2012).

1.4 User perceptions

The user perceptions of the 3G and the 4G Networks is that the difference between the two networks is more nuanced than pronounced, owing to the fact that the consumers are not yet able to tell the difference between the two networks with a high degree of precision (Agbinya, 2009).