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Need an research paper on women in lady audley’s secret by mary elizabeth braddon. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on women in lady audley’s secret by mary elizabeth braddon. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. The novel explains and portrays different characters of women through Lady Audley. In this paper,, I will try portraying women as depicted in this novel and try explaining why women are represented in that manner and how it relates to women’s status during the Victorian era.

Some critics criticized sensational novels during the Victorian era, saying they portrayed “dangerous” women who have uncontrolled sexuality and its effects. This novel gave voice to women who lived their lives dictated by the roles of being a wife, a daughter and even a mother. It helped the women express the emotions that they suppress.&nbsp. In the 19th century in England, there was division of labor, which led to the suppression of females’ voices. There was a definition of the ‘proper feminine’ who was the angel in the house, innocent, passionless, committed to duty, lacking legal identity, and dependent and asexual. The ‘improper female’ was represented as wild or a demon, a whore, threateningly sexual, desiring, independent, self-identity, knowing and predator, among other characteristics. These characteristics were not only used in the division of labor but also in controlling female sexuality. For lady Audley she takes up the two roles. the proper and improper female, and intelligently uses the sexist ideology to her advantage.

The portrait of Lady Audley is her disguise. It shows her as a wicked and hard lady and an innocent angel and a beautiful fiend. When Alicia looks at the portrait, she says, “a painter is… able to see, through the normal expression of the face that is equally a part of it. She also says that they have never seen Lady Audley look as she does in the picture, but she thinks that she could look so (Braddon 71-72). After Alicia’s comment, Robert reacts in a manner that suggests he is fearful that Lady Audley’s hidden parts might be exposed, leading to the general fear of women in general for&nbsp. Robert. Robert keeps repeating this phrase so many times. “Don’t be German, Alicia, if you love me. The picture is – the picture. and my lady is – my lady, that’s my way of taking things, and I’m not metaphysical. don’t unsettle me” ( Braddon 72).

The fear that women have a chance of rising to the same high level of masculine intelligence is portrayed in the scene where Lady Audley is gracefully making tea. “Better the pretty influence of the teacups and saucers gracefully in a woman’s hand than all the inappropriate power snatched at the point of the pen from the unwilling sterner sex.&nbsp.